Senagalese Twist-out?


Active Member
Hey ladies! I am currently taking out my senagalese twists after 2 months and I am loving the "twist out" that has resulted. I would love to rock this for a couple of days before I deep condition and wash but I'm afraid of the tangling/matting that may occur. Does anyone advise AGAINST doing this twist out? I would hate to have a set back after 21 months of successful transitioning.
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I would advise against it unless you are willing to give it a really good comb out to get rid of all the tangled and shedded hair which would most definitely have resulted from the take=down. Not de-tangling now could result in some serious hair loss later esp if water hits it inadvertently i.e. it rains.

You best bet is to give it a good de-tangling (with lots of oil to give you super slip) and then do a super Protein treatment and DC which I think all hair needs post take-down from braids and weaves.

You can then re-braid/ twist your hair and do a twist-out that way.
After wearing braids for 2 months, to prevent from matting and tangling, I usually comb out each single twist/braid after I remove the hair. Other wise you will have to do it in larger sections which could result in possible hair devastation.

I know you want to rock a twist out for a min, but I would advise against it.
Thanks ladies! I decided to just go ahead and detangle and deep condition for the next couple of hours. I definitely don't want to risk my progress