Self relaxers -- Relaxing one side at a time?

Hey self-relaxers,

I was wondering if anyone relaxed their hair one side at a time. What I mean is, you relax the left, then neutralize, then relax the right side?

How do you do it? Can I get some tips? Thanks in advance, ladies.
A stylist did this to my sister's hair. If been thinking or relaxing my own hair and it sounds like a good idea for a new jack so you don't overprocess. But it seems like it would be tricky to prevent the the second half from getting it wet or shampooed.
I did it that way when I first texturized my hair.


I divided my hair straight down the middle from forehead to nape of neck. I then put a plastic conditioning cap on the right side with the elastic part laying within the hair's part. I used bobby pins to secure it. I then relaxed the left half. I did the left half first because I planned to rinse in the tub. The water faucet is on the left. After neutralizing the left side, I towel dried and loosely plaited it up and put a plastic cap on that side. I then relaxed the right side and got in the shower to rinse and neutratlize. Once the right side was done, I removed the plastic cap from the left side and undid the plaits and neutralized all of my hair once again.
Well for me at least I know that would be the easiest method because I have a tendency to underprocess my hair (even though I don't want it bone straight) I still want the curl relaxed out to a certain degree. So concentrating on one half of my head first would certainly give me more time to make sure everythings covered as opposed to a big blob of hair that I'm trying to cover in the alloted period of time.
Doing it that way, I'm sure to miss things because I'm not very experienced yet.
Thank you ladies. I wanted to know because I just can't seem to get the timing down. I think I am going to try this this weekend or next. I may do the left side on Friday night, then the right side Saturday morning . . .Ill post my results.
I do the method similar to CurlyCrly,

It takes me an hour, because I do each section, not two sections at a time. That way I know I didn't overprocess my hair, and since different parts of my hair take different times to relax, doing it one section at a time ensures that I don't underprocess.

I do it this way because I refuse to have overprocessed hair after getting it to the condition I wanted my hair to be.
skegeesmb ... I just saw your photo album. You roller set looks really nice. What are you using in your hair that keep it so shiney! Good job!!!!!

Ballet Bun ...
Thanks ballet bun. I used a combo of WGO (of course
) and lottabody cremewrap (thanks to sweetcocoa). I used a brush to smooth my hair as much as I could, and then I would roll away.