Sebastian Colourshine mishap! Please Help


I was using black cherry colourshines and had a bit of black orchid left over and did not want to throw it away so I mixed them:cry3: It was just a little bit and now all of the cherry highlights are gone. Does anyone know how to get this off of the hair. Can I deep condition it with heat and then re-apply the black cherry?
I used to use Sebastian Colourshine and the only thing I think you can do is wait for it grow/wash out. That Black Orchid is serious. I had to wait forever for it come out of my hair. I've been brown for a while and I'm thinking of going back to black until I reach my goal length but it's damn near a permanent color. Good luck!
You can try washing it a few times, well, MANY times, with a clarifying shampoo, but it still takes a long time. I went too dark one time but I washed it like 2 or 3 times a day for about a week and the color lifted gradually
Metalex by Clairol is a great semi permanent color remover. This can be drying to your hair so you might have to asses you hair fist. I had a color disaster this past summer I tried puting a black semi over my blonde hair and it turned my hair green. A stylist recomended Metalex and it removed all the semi permanent from my hair and the original color was restored.
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