Scenarios -- What Would You Do?


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
As a Christian, how would you handle certain situations in life?

Please feel free to share your heart. Share a situation, and see how other Christians would handle it.

Note: We all know that prayer is our answer, so in addition to your answers, please share your prayer.


You're in a store and you see a customer stealing food items from the store. As you look further, you realize that this person is a member of your church.

What would you do? Give real responses, don't hold back. Such as your first reaction; your first thought; your feelings; etc. :yep:
I would make sure all my valuables are on lock around this person. I would not invite them to my house.:nono: Depending on who the person is, determines whether or not I would say something to them. I would definitely tell my husband and try not to tell anyone else.
Honestly, I would approach them:
(I would make sure they were reeally stealing, make sure I wouldnt
"seeing " things )

And honestly it depends Is this a new convert? Is this a member who has been in the ministry for awhile? (Some people should know better)!!

I would approach them and ask them whats going? Why do they feel like they need to steal? Or they in a financial bind? What can I do to help them? Then I would tell them how God feels about it. I would tell them that God will provide for them and all they have to do is ask and He shall supply the need? I will tell them their family in Christ cares for them and if they are need,all they have to do is ask.

Now, you did say GROCERY store, so they stealing food because they hungry? Of course STEALING is STEALING..its wrong...but I will have a lil more mercy on some trying to take some bread to have some food to eat...versus someone stealing a purse or shoes or something.
I would immediately pray that God heightens their conscience so that they repent for their sins. I wouldn't want to judge them or make a harsh statement, because I don't really know what they have been/are going through.
Then the next time I saw them I would start up conversation to see if I could get to know what the issue was (loss of job, spouse, etc) And lastly no matter what I found out, I would find some way to be a blessing to them (card with money, giftcard to the market, clothes, whatever)
I'd approach the person find out why were they stealing....

Not sure if it's a need (the church should be helping in this area or maybe I can help)

And if they have a stealing problem that they need deliverance from...
I'd approach them and ask what was going on. Definitely add them to my prayer list either for the need to be met or the compulsion to disappear.
My first thought would be, "What in the world???" followed by "Why???" followed by me shaking my head. Then I would feel bad for being judgmental. This economy is something else. People are hitting rock bottom and losing hope. You never know what a person is going through when they leave the four walls of the church. Not everyone goes home to a peaceful life and warm home where all their needs and a lot of their wants have been met. I would pray for the person. Unless we were close like family, I wouldn't approach the person because I wouldn't want to risk alienating him/her and possibly discouraging them from coming to church out of embarassment. All of this is assuming that the person is stealing because there is no money for food.
Thank you, each of you. :kiss:

I realized something today, that God is preparing us for the unexpected and the big question is, "What would you do?"

May I share with you what I did? I also have more questions.

Yes, I saw someone stealing. I was sitting at my desk today and out of no where I remembered this incident that I witnessed.

I was in Target a few months ago, and as I was walking down the aisles just looking, browsing at items randomly, I saw a woman stealing food items. She had a little tote bag and she was putting the food in the bag.

I was frozen in my tracks. I thought I was imagining this. I just stood there trying to make sure that I wasn't seeing things. She looked up and saw me and she stopped and moved around as if she was just looking at items on the shelf. At first I was angry, then I felt sorry for being angry. Then I felt that I was wrong for not looking for a manager. My mind was having a rush of thoughts and I was literally frozen and didn't know what to do. I remember thinking, why did I have to be here; why did I see this?

I watched her walk down the aisle and out of sight. My thoughts, 'look for a manager or one of the staff members. Not one staff person was in sight.

I need to clarify that I did not know this person. She was not a member of my Church, yet today as I remembered this incident, I wondered what would I have done if this had been a Church member or someone that I knew otherwise?

My Questions; please address:

What made me freeze up? Why did I just stand there?

Why didn't I make a stronger effort to find a manager or staff person?

If either of you were with me that day, how would you have reacted to my reaction?

Ladies remembering this has me thinking of a host of life's Scenarios of 'What would you do?'.

Please share your answers and please share Scenarios for us to think, share answers and pray about. I'm looking forward to hearing from you, my sisters in Christ, for we have the same mind and are of like precious faith.
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Thank you, each of you. :kiss:

I realized something today, that God is preparing us for the unexpected and the big question is, "What would you do?"

May I share with you what I did? I also have more questions.

Yes, I saw someone stealing. I was sitting at my desk today and out of no where I remembered this incident that I witnessed.

I was in Target a few months ago, and as I was walking down the aisles just looking, browsing at items randomly, I saw a woman stealing food items. She had a little tote bag and she was putting the food in the bag.

I was frozen in my tracks. I thought I was imagining this. I just stood there trying to make sure that I wasn't seeing things. She looked up and saw me and she stopped and moved around as if she was just looking at items on the shelf. At first I was angry, then I felt sorry for being angry. Then I felt that I was wrong for not looking for a manager. My mind was having a rush of thoughts and I was literally frozen and didn't know what to do. I remember thinking, why did I have to be here; why did I see this?

I watched her walk down the aisle and out of sight. My thoughts, 'look for a manager or one of the staff members. Not one staff person was in sight.

I need to clarify that I did not know this person. She was not a member of my Church, yet today as I remembered this incident, I wondered what would I have done if this had been a Church member or someone that I knew otherwise?

My Questions; please address:

What made me freeze up? Why did I just stand there?

Why didn't I make a stronger effort to find a manager or staff person?

If either of you were with me that day, how would you have reacted to my reaction?

Ladies remembering this has me thinking of a host of life's Scenarios of 'What would you do?'.

Please share your answers and please share Scenarios for us to think, share answers and pray about. I'm looking forward to hearing from you, my sisters in Christ, for we have the same mind and are of like precious faith.

Maybe the tote was one of those reusable totes that people use instead of plastic or paper bags? Just a thought. Things are not always what they seem.
Maybe the tote was one of those reusable totes that people use instead of plastic or paper bags? Just a thought. Things are not always what they seem.

Thanks mrselle

That's what I thought at first and wanted so much to believe. Her position (trying to hide her actions) was too obvious.

I kept trying to replay this in my mind over and over and it's always the same, she was stealing. I stood there frozen in silence. :nono: Why?
Maybe the tote was one of those reusable totes that people use instead of plastic or paper bags? Just a thought. Things are not always what they seem.

mrselle, Funny, that was the first thing I thought after reading Shimmie's post. :yep: But, Shimmie, if you think she was stealing, she probably was. Maybe it's just my personality, but I wouldn't have told the manager (unless I was questioned for some reason). I think that you froze up initially because witnessing a person stealing is shocking and also because it goes against your ethical values. Maybe you didn't make an effort to find a manager because you felt sympathy for the lady(?) - I'm not sure. Again, if I were in your shoes, I would have remained silent. There are cameras all over the store, monitoring theft. I feel either way, she's going to be caught stealing sooner rather than later. Some people steal for the sake of stealing, and others steal because they are hungry. Who knows why she was stealing. I would pray for the Lord to have mercy on her and to send her a blessing if she was stealing out of need.
mrselle, Funny, that was the first thing I thought after reading Shimmie's post. :yep: But, Shimmie, if you think she was stealing, she probably was. Maybe it's just my personality, but I wouldn't have told the manager (unless I was questioned for some reason). I think that you froze up initially because witnessing a person stealing is shocking and also because it goes against your ethical values. Maybe you didn't make an effort to find a manager because you felt sympathy for the lady(?) - I'm not sure. Again, if I were in your shoes, I would have remained silent. There are cameras all over the store, monitoring theft. I feel either way, she's going to be caught stealing sooner rather than later. Some people steal for the sake of stealing, and others steal because they are hungry. Who knows why she was stealing. I would pray for the Lord to have mercy on her and to send her a blessing if she was stealing out of need.

Thanks TraciChanel, both you and mrselle are completely right regarding 'perhaps' she was using the tote instead of a shopping cart. This is what I wanted so much to think.

I haven't been back to that Target since. :lol:
I would approach them and talk to them, let them know i saw them and then if i am able to, i would purchase the items for them.
Honestly, if I didnt know them, I dont know what I would do. I really dont. But if God was leading me to say something I would have, because I know God would have strengthened me to do so :look:. If not I wouldve just prayed for them and walk away. Alot of times we see things and think that we should automatically confront the situation but maybe God just want us to intercede for them. The bible says ," Those who are LED by the Spirit are the sons of God...".

Shimmie, dont feel bad, maybe God just wasnt leading you to approach the lady. You dont know what God could have been saving you from. She couldve had a knife, anything, you never know, people are crazy these days.

But when God wants us to react, He always give us a strong unction to do so.
Shimmie, she probably was looking at you wondering why you staring her down like that... :lol::lol:

Thanks TraciChanel, both you and mrselle are completely right regarding 'perhaps' she was using the tote instead of a shopping cart. This is what I wanted so much to think.

I haven't been back to that Target since. :lol:
Honestly, if I didnt know them, I dont know what I would do. I really dont. But if God was leading me to say something I would have, because I know God would have strengthened me to do so :look:. If not I wouldve just prayed for them and walk away. Alot of times we see things and think that we should automatically confront the situation but maybe God just want us to intercede for them. The bible says ," Those who are LED by the Spirit are the sons of God...".

Shimmie, dont feel bad, maybe God just wasnt leading you to approach the lady. You dont know what God could have been saving you from. She couldve had a knife, anything, you never know, people are crazy these days.

But when God wants us to react, He always give us a strong unction to do so.

Thanks Love... :kiss:
^^ awww..sowwy.. wasn't making light of the situation, I use those non-plastic tote bags at the grocery store..but the food gets put in them at the end of the conveyor belt.. :lol:

Seriously, this a difficult scenario because I'm not sure how I'd react at first. With it being a church member and me being the person I am, my first inclination would be to go over and speak to them.
^^ awww..sowwy.. wasn't making light of the situation, I use those non-plastic tote bags at the grocery store..but the food gets put in them at the end of the conveyor belt.. :lol:

Seriously, this a difficult scenario because I'm not sure how I'd react at first. With it being a church member and me being the person I am, my first inclination would be to go over and speak to them.

Hey, that was funny and it was the truth. :lachen:

I know you were teasing me. :kiss: Let's face it, how often do I post an issue... :lol: A frozen one at that... :lol:


Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Precious Laela...

Happy Birthday to you. :kiss:
Lets do a new scenario!!!

Yes, indeed. I've been askin' for the longest... :lol:

Please share, Loved Ones... :yep:

It can be a real life episode like mine or a hypothetical case, or even one you know that happened to someone else. :yep:
"An elderly, married parishioner your family is good friends with sees you at the bus stop and lights up in smile to see you. He then mumbles other things that are incoherent except the part about saying he's going to go get his car and bring it around and take you home so he can give you a kiss. His misunderstanding as you say, "un huh ," gives him more delight. You stand there with other people at the bus stop, in shock and, luckily, the bus has arrived while he's gone to get his car. You breathe a sigh of relief but notice that one of the ladies standing there waiting has this disgusting look of indignance ...AT YOU...not at the elder. What do you do?"

What did I do?
Held my head up. I avoided embarassing him even more and I certainly didn't go against my morals (if I could ever have stomached such :vomit: ). That lady, from the looks of her, couldn't wait to get home and spill gossip, changing up the story to something erroneously sordid. She also looked at me ugly on the bus with a stink face, like I was a dirty girl. Oh well. What would YOU have done differently? Sorry for the edits...I have keyboard issues and it's glitchy.
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"An elderly, married parishioner your family is good friends with sees you at the bus stop and lights up in smile to see you.

He then mumbles other things that are incoherent except the part about saying he's going to go get his car and bring it around and take you home so he can give you a kiss. His misunderstanding as you say, "un huh" gives him delight.

You stand there with other people at the bus stop, in shock and, luckily, the bus has arrived while he's gone to get his car. You breathe a sigh of relief but notice that one of the ladies standing there waiting has this disgusting look of indignance ...AT YOU...not at the elder.

What do you do?"

What did I do?

Held my head up. I avoided embarassing him even more and I certainly didn't go against my morals (if I could ever stomached such :vomit:). What would That lady, from the looks of her, couldn't wait to get home and spill gossip, changing up the story.

She also looked at me ugly on the bus with a stink face, like I was a dirty girl. Oh well. What would YOU have done differently?

I'm sorry you had to go through this, and you did the right thing by getting on the bus and not waiting for him to return with his car.

Unfortunately, I was in a similar situation. A guy that I dated before I was 'Saved', saw me at the bus stop near my job. I was unaware of him until he pulled up onto the parking lot which was adjacent to the bus stop.

He offered to give me a ride home. I said no thank you.
Thank goodness, the bus came and I left him right there on the parking lot. Thank God he didn't know my new home address or my new phone number.

You see, he had since gotten married and he and his wife had a little baby girl. For some odd reason his daily commute was in the path of my bus route. He would see me waiting for the bus and not only speak but he was still 'flirting' with me as if we still had something going, which we did not. I barely smiled at him when he'd say hello each time he saw me, so I wasn't giving him any encouragement.

It's a very uncomfortable situation and feeling to be in. I admire you. As for the woman who falsely judged you, she should be ashamed of herself.

Thanks so much for sharing this with us. We can learn alot from each other sharing our life 'Scenarios'. :yep:

Love and blessings to you 'Guitar'. :heart:
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You know, I could have told my dad - they were both on the board. I could have told his wife, like a grandmother to me. I could have screamed and yelled at him, causing him to have a heart attack :lachen: but I chose the high road. Besides, I had no intention on waiting at that bus stop for long...was looking for the next couple of ones to avoid him..but luckily, there came the bus!!! AHhhh, like butta. Like, did I mention he was around 80 or so? :lachen: I'm going to puke to this very day.
You know, I could have told my dad - they were both on the board. I could have told his wife, like a grandmother to me. I could have screamed and yelled at him, causing him to have a heart attack :lachen: but I chose the high road. Besides, I had no intention on waiting at that bus stop for long...was looking for the next couple of ones to avoid him..but luckily, there came the bus!!! AHhhh, like butta. Like, did I mention he was around 80 or so? :lachen: I'm going to puke to this very day.

ochenta ? ? ? ! ! ! ? ? ? :eek2:

Ai yi yi...

I'm sorry to laugh but, now I have this vision of a little old man telling you he's going to get his car so he can take you home and give you a kiss.

I would have fell out laughing at the bus stop... :rofl:

I know this is a serious issue and I don't take it lightly, this man is too close to meeting Jesus and can't afford to sow any wild oats, 'soggy ones at that'... :look: .
ohhhhh I see :blush:... I would not have gotten in the car with sir! I wouldve told my dad and the board too..Im sorry, some thing I just dont tolerate...:ohwell:..

But I wouldve said "What did you say? I didnt hear you? Then see if he would have repeated it
You know, I could have told my dad - they were both on the board. I could have told his wife, like a grandmother to me. I could have screamed and yelled at him, causing him to have a heart attack :lachen: but I chose the high road. Besides, I had no intention on waiting at that bus stop for long...was looking for the next couple of ones to avoid him..but luckily, there came the bus!!! AHhhh, like butta. Like, did I mention he was around 80 or so? :lachen: I'm going to puke to this very day.

What?!....that old man should be ashamed of himself! My first thought was that I would have 'checked' him immediately and made sure he was aware that he was old enough to be my father's father...:nono: dirty old man.... But, I digress (obviously, God is still working on me with some things :grin:).

It really irks me when someone in an authoritative position behaves like that. It happens way too often.