SC Ladies - Lekair Cholesterol On SALE For $1.29


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies FOOD LION has Lekair Cholesterol on sale for $1.29
and they are going fast.

I think it usally cost cost around $2.00 at Walmart and
2.49 at the BSS.
The $1.29 is a close out price they are not going to restock
it anymore.

I bought 4 jars will proably check another food lion store my mother use it alot.
I think they are going to stop making the regular peach colored cholesterol and replace it with the Lekair Olive Oil, Carrot Oil and Shea Butter cholesterols. I see these a lot and don't see the peach and the green that much anymore.

I do like the Olive and the Carrot, though.
Do you think the new ones work just as well as the original
peach color cholesterol.
I have not use it in awhile.
They aren't as moisturizing, IMO. The peach colored one goes on my like butter. The olive and carrot aren't as smooth and when I rinse my hair isn't as soft. Adding avocado oil helps, though. The shea butter was awful on my hair! I'm going to try Hollywood Beauty Olive and Carrot cholesterols one of these days. I bought a bunch of tubs when it was first mentioned that it may be discontinued. But I guess I'll need a replacement for the peach Lekair soon.
There is plenty of the original peach on my side of town
all the Bss and discount stores have it.
PM me when you need some. I will share.
Thanks! I may have to take you up on that offer one day. I still see the regular cholesterol, but not as much as I used to. Why do companies do this?