Renew subscription


Active Member
If I renew my subscription now, although the current one has not expired yet, will the expiration date for next year change or remain the same?
I am so glad I asked this question. I just found my paypal receipt from last year and it turns out, I paid in July of last year not August as I was thinking all this time. I'll renew close to or on the date I subscribed last year. :)
how can I tell if my subscription is up... I paid via mail/ money order ---but I dont remember the date ....
JFemme said:
how can I tell if my subscription is up... I paid via mail/ money order ---but I dont remember the date ....

I would like to know the answer too. I paid via mail and don't know my actual renewal date.
I was wondering if we can have a paid subscription thread like last year? Then members will know if their payment went through or not.
hey - you can tell that your subscription is up when you are no longer able to post. last year i was able to provide that information because i was updating the subscriptions one by one manually. however the later part of last year i purchased some software that updates the accounts automatically. so its very hard for me to provide that the information and post it for 2,000 members who paid on different dates. i apologize in advance. beverly