Relaxer Wash and Go


New Member
So I know the difference between relaxed and texlaxed hair but for some reason no matter what I use my hair always loses the curl. I used to do no-Lye relaxers and now I use Lye relaxers (all the no-lye has now been cut out) and I get the same results. When wet my hair is pretty straight with some wavy pieces but no products can get it to curl.

My mom is able to get in the shower come out, put some mouse on it & it dries with beautiful waves and curls that are thick. The only time I ever achieved those results were when I had a texturizer which brought my hair to a type 3 look.

How are the relaxed ladies doing their wash and goes? What products are you using to get nicely shaped curls?
Ive never done this but im very curious to know what others have done because i notice that mostly naturals do the wash n go.
You'd probably have to transition to texlaxed hair because you can't create curl where there is none.
I know that a lot of texlaxed ladies add conditioner or oil to their relaxers in order to texlax...maybe you could give this a try? :) And maybe it's the application...I think it's the smoothing that actually gets your hair straight, not so much the relaxer itself; I think the relaxer just breaks down the protein...bonds? in your hair?? I could be wrong lol Are you saying that no matter what relaxer you use, it makes your hair bone straight? How long do you leave the relaxer on your hair?
Qtee yes my mom is relaxed. She self relaxes and I know its not underprocessed because she smoothes the heck out of her relaxer and leaves it on for a long time =/. I've even tried using extremely mild formulas bet no matter what strength I use I get the same level of curls. Its like a loose wave that frizzes out when dry =(
@lovebug10 for my wash n go, I apply conditioner (Aussie Moist) to my hair, but I don't rinse it out... After I am out of the shower, I gently comb my hair straight down (detangle), bend over, so my hair would now be upside down, and scrunch with a TSHIRT (NOT FINGERS)... Before scrunching Mousse may also help, in addition to conditioner, or alone (depends on your hair). You have to try to figure out what will work for you.

SCRUNCH = grab sections of hair with tshirt and clench hands into a fist... I do this from the bottom working my way up to roots (as much as I can). Then, I get my blow dryer / diffuser attachment and use that on low, while shooting cool blast... or you can skip the dryer and allow it to airdry, after you are done scrunching...

Once the hair is not damp, I fluff to my preference, so my hair is not stuck to my head.

Hope this all makes sense and helps :)
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