Relaxed hair experts.. A Question?


Well-Known Member
I am 11 weeks post relaxer and my hair is doing great, no major issues, however I do need to straighten the new growth after washing it. Usually on medium heat so I dont leave the iron on one spot for long.

I have schedule my relaxer for next week (12 weeks as usually)
But I am not sure whether I should just wait for a few more weeks, but maybe all this heat I have to use every week now may be doing more harm than good.

Should I continue to stretch?


New Member
I'm not an expert, but I'll take a crack at your question. I don't have a problem with using heat on your roots only. I wash, set and flat iron my roots (and sometimes the entire length) with a warm ceramic iron 1-2 times per week, without problem. I try to stretch my relaxers as long as I can with this method, which for me is only 9 weeks. I say, if your hair is still manageable and you're not noticing any breakage or dryness keep doing what you are doing.


New Member
I am experimenting with using the same method to stretch my relaxers, using heat only to straighten my roots. My roots are very strong since they have not been weakend by chemicals, so I feel comfortable applying medium heat once per week to only that portion of my hair.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your responses ladies.

Your both right, I know many women on this board start using a little more heat around touch up time.

I think I am going to see how I get on this week, if I do notice any dryness, shedding, breakage, I will relax If not I will just keep pushing it a week out.

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