Realistic Wig Recommendations?


Well-Known Member
I've used a kinky lace front on and off for the past year or so but I'd like a change. I've wasted a lot of money on wigs that looked nice on models but upon ordering looked dreadful on me. Can anyone recommend something realistic looking that's preferably straight or wavy with bangs? Length wise anything from apl-mbl will do. Synthetic would be good as I'm not one for expensive wigs. Please post your wig recommendations.
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I do not have any reccomendations but I would like to know what kinky lace front you had. I'm also on the lookout for new wigs. I'm gearing up for a personal hide ya hair challenge starting in October.
Sensationall Jasmine I pull out a small bit of hair in the front to cover the lace and it looks like natural waist length hair once its brushed out with a wig brush.

Half wig La Fasta is another good one. I wear it with a elastic headband.