Read The Bible Cover To Cover In 90 Days Challenge! Join Me!

Hey ladies I am back on track! Checking in for Mommy and Angel Day 7,8,9,and 10 (Angel will be doing day 10 after she finishes her homework this afternoon):cool:
I started only yesterday so I am a couple of weeks behind, not sure if I can catch up but I am enjoying the challenge:yep:
I started only yesterday so I am a couple of weeks behind, not sure if I can catch up but I am enjoying the challenge:yep:

Hey girl. no need to catch up, just start where you're at!:yep: Side note: I thought that I was the only "Special K!":Cry: Shimmie named me that:lol: You can borrow it though LOL!
This is a wonderful challenge! :yep: I rarely come here anymore, but I just wanted to pop in and say "God is moving"! We need the truth-- and verse by verse is the only way to do it. Keep going y'all.

I've been reading in other areas, but I'll add this challenge to my regular study time, too. I'll jump in today on the 14th and make the loop back around (1-13) at the end.
Also, I'd like to see more about what God is speaking to you all... It's cool to say we've checked the readings off... What are you getting from the readings? I'm just curious. I'll try to do the same...
I thought this challenge would be difficult but it isn't. I'd heard of reading the bible in a year but have never seen it condensed into just 90 days, I'm really enjoying the challenge. I read for day 2 yesterday and a little extra even though I was sooooo sleepy last night. I just kept wanting to find out what was going to happen next!

You guys have me treating the bible like it's a soap opera :lachen:
I thought this challenge would be difficult but it isn't. I'd heard of reading the bible in a year but have never seen it condensed into just 90 days, I'm really enjoying the challenge. I read for day 2 yesterday and a little extra even though I was sooooo sleepy last night. I just kept wanting to find out what was going to happen next!

You guys have me treating the bible like it's a soap opera :lachen:

It is girl!:lol: The Lord keeps it real!:grin:
Out of Deuteronomy on to Joshua:cycle:

Hey girl, right behind ya!:clap: Checking in for days 11-13. Angel is still behind. I should be caught up by tommorrow (DH is on vacation this week so I've been spending a lot of er hem...extra time with him:love::blush:. I will post more about what I'm learning, but just a tidbit from today the Lord spoke to me is "Daughter, you have spent long enough on this mountain..." I'll add more later:cool:
I have to take myself out of this one... I need a year so I can let this stuff marinate and really understand... Im still tryna figure out WHO IN THE WORLD IS CAIN'S WIFE!!??:lachen:
I have to take myself out of this one... I need a year so I can let this stuff marinate and really understand... Im still tryna figure out WHO IN THE WORLD IS CAIN'S WIFE!!??:lachen:

Cain's wife was more than likely his sister. Adam lived 930's quite possible to have a LOT of kids in that time period lol. Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born, shortly after Abel was murdered. Cain's wife could have been his sister, niece, or cousin depending on when he took her.

Keep in mind, what we think of as incest today is not the same as it was in Biblical times. Sarah was Abraham's sister, Rebecca was Isaac's relative, etc. This was to preserve the liniage, but after thousands of years the gene pool began to become corrupted (i.e. why today if a brother and sister have a child it'll most likely have birth defects, etc). Adam and Eve were created in perfection, they're genes were perfect, but as we see even today, the gene pool continues to become more and more broken, etc. It wasn't until the Law Of Moses that marrying a direct relative became against the rules. Anywho, hope this helps!:grin:

ETA: Also keep in mind, the Bible is not in chronological order like a chapter book, so it very well could've been 3-400 years before Cain knew his wife. I have actually become interested moreso in know what happened to the other lines of Adam (scratch that, I know what happened, the flood lol) and Noah etc. The Bible only follows the lines completely of those leading to Christ which makes sense since the Bible in essense was not divinely inspired to be a history book, although to an extent it is, but rather a revelation of God in the Old testament, Jesus in the Gospels, and the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. Reading the Bible from beginning to end is how I believe it was designed to be read because as you may have already noticed, the more you read, the more you become aware of the FULL personality of God, not the one that many churches try to portrait by picking out a couple of veres, etc.
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Cain's wife was more than likely his sister. Adam lived 930's quite possible to have a LOT of kids in that time period lol. Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born, shortly after Abel was murdered. Cain's wife could have been his sister, niece, or cousin depending on when he took her.

Keep in mind, what we think of as incest today is not the same as it was in Biblical times. Sarah was Abraham's sister, Rebecca was Isaac's relative, etc. This was to preserve the liniage, but after thousands of years the gene pool began to become corrupted (i.e. why today if a brother and sister have a child it'll most likely have birth defects, etc). Adam and Eve were created in perfection, they're genes were perfect, but as we see even today, the gene pool continues to become more and more broken, etc. It wasn't until the Law Of Moses that marrying a direct relative became against the rules. Anywho, hope this helps!:grin:

ETA: Also keep in mind, the Bible is not in chronological order like a chapter book, so it very well could've been 3-400 years before Cain knew his wife. I have actually become interested moreso in know what happened to the other lines of Adam (scratch that, I know what happened, the flood lol) and Noah etc. The Bible only follows the lines completely of those leading to Christ which makes sense since the Bible in essense was not divinely inspired to be a history book, although to an extent it is, but rather a revelation of God in the Old testament, Jesus in the Gospels, and the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. Reading the Bible from beginning to end is how I believe it was designed to be read because as you may have already noticed, the more you read, the more you become aware of the FULL personality of God, not the one that many churches try to portrait by picking out a couple of veres, etc.

Thank u for the clarification because I was clearly confused... because i'm reading the lists of descendants and there is Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel if Im not mistaken... Cain kills his brother, and later finds a wife:huh: so I was asking who is this woman she just appears out of nowhere?? but anyway thank u for that. Seems like u have a good understanding of the bible, and thas exactly why i need a year :lachen:
Hello again ladies! I've slipped several days behind:blush: Checking in for day 14. I will read a day and a half reading daily until I'm caught up:grin:
Hey ya'll, I've kind of (ok I HAVE) allowed life to get in the way and unfortunately have not made my Bible reading a priority. I'm back on the wagon albeit approx 8 days behind. I am starting Day 16 tonight. I fell down but I won't stay down! So instead of reading the Bible in 90 days, it'll be 96 days!:grin:
Hey ya'll, I've kind of (ok I HAVE) allowed life to get in the way and unfortunately have not made my Bible reading a priority. I'm back on the wagon albeit approx 8 days behind. I am starting Day 16 tonight. I fell down but I won't stay down! So instead of reading the Bible in 90 days, it'll be 96 days!:grin:

don't feel bad! I'm still in Genesis. I started late too, but i'm hanging in there and still reading. i'm finally on Moses now.