Question About Baking Soda and Soap Detergent to Poo Hair


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I need your help. I just hung up the phone from Robert Craig (the one that makes hair colors). I emailed him earlier, so he felt it was better to give me a call due to the nature of my email, (too many questions). As you all know that I have been using Sebastian Coffee Bean on my hair. Well, it has left a green cast through out my hair and on the ends. I think these strands of hair are suppose to be gray. One of my questions to him was what could I do to remove the green cast and he suggested soap detergent and add a little baking soda. Of course my next question was you mean dish detergent and he said exactly. He commented that they have come a long ways. He said anyone would do and just add some baking soda. I guess it works as a clarifier. Have you ladies heard of using baking soda on your hair. The idea of dish detergent does not bother me because the ingredients are probably not that different than your average poo. I'm willing to try this, because this green cast has got to go. Two people has walked up to me and asked about my green hair when it is down. I had a very detailed conversation with him about his hair colors, but I think I'm going henna instead as soon as I get my henna in the mail. Does anyone use Robert Craig hair colors?