Qu.I.C. (Quarter Inch Challenge) Update #1


old head
Note: If you have no idea what this is, see these threads: QuIC Info thread; QuIC Start Thread.

It's time, QuIC Challengers! Our first update!
Can't remember if you joined this challenge? That's alright, I got the list right here!!

Lorraine S

Goal: 1 inch per month (up from previous max of 3/4 in.)

Hair Stats: 4a natural, about 12 inches scalp to ends
Approx inches gained since Jan.: 2 inches
Average growth rate over 3 months: 2/3 inch per month​

Initial Plan:
1. Exercise at least 3x per week with videos at home.
2. Conscious effort to eat more protein (won't be measuring grams, just qualitatively "more").
3. Vitamin Regimen: Skin Eternal Plus, multi (Naturemade), and flax(Naturemade) on a two-day alternating schedule.
Day 1: 3 SEP
Day 2: 1 SEP, 1 multi, 2 flax

Revised Plan:
1. Still exercising--added walking on treadmill (2 miles--varying speed and incline)
2. Need to try a little harder with the protein. Specifically getting in some more protein in earlier meals.
3. Current vitamins: Only Natural For Hair Only, Doctor's Best MSM. These will last me through this month and into May. I bought the For Hair Only on clearance, so when I run out I probably won't be able to find them so cheap again. Hopefully I'll have the $$ to go back to the SEP but if not, I'll have to create a new regimen.

I'm not making any drastic changes to my plan just yet because this last measurement was made over the winter months when my growth was slowed anyhow (2/3 in. per month as opposed to 3/4). So I'm going to wait to see how things go now that it's getting warmer. The only real change I'll have to make is my vitamins when I run out. I plan to include more biotin in the new plan.

ETA: Our next update will be in 3 months, at the beginning of July.
Hey I think I did it BC. I relaxed my hair on March 1st, and today April 1st, I have around an inch of unstretched new growth thats so thick that I almost want to relax again :eek:... but I owe this mostly two an over dose of La India cream, and now my scalp is recovering.
Hey BlackCardinal... my natural hair growing inspiration!!! :D

I just checked out the original threads and I would like to join! Is it okay if I join for the start of April? This sounds like a great challenge because I'm definitely trying to exceed my growth rate.
Currently my hair growth rate alternates each month: 1/4" in one month, then 3/4" the next month, so every 2 months I get 1"! I would love to get at most 2" or at least 1.5" of growth every 2 months.


Hair routine:
Daily style - shrunken puff
Co-wash daily - Suave Humectant
Moisturize daily - S-Curl No Drip w/ Jojoba Oil
Shampoo weekly - Creme of Nature (Regular Formula)

Vitamins: I currently take NatureMade Super B-Complex for hair. Other vitamins I take are Vitamin C 1000mg and Cod Liver Oil for overall health.

I will drink 1 gallon of water daily and try to avoid as much junk food and sugar as possible. Eat more fruits, veggies, whole grain, and healthy protein.

I have been having trouble with finding the right time to exercise and where to exercise. I'll exercise at my school's gym for 2 days out of the week and then quit. It's not very convenient for me. I'm going to try and start doing Taebo in the mornings at home for 3-4 times a week.

EDITED - UPDATE: I have changed my plan... I'm now doing twistouts and washing once every 1-2 weeks! :)
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December 2005, I had 5" of newgrowth in the front. January 06 i finished cutting off my relaxed hair. I had to cut more in the front than the back due to some breakage. So, as of yesterday, the front is 5.5" and reaches the tip of my nose. I was doing sulfur & oil mix and using wgho but have since stopped due to an nasty outbreak on my forehead. Thank goodness it's healed with no marks. I was misting during the winter also but stopped last month because it's CW time. I'm still doing 8-10 glasses of water, high lean protein, high sulfur veggies, fruits, exericise 3-4x/wk. I have also gone back to creme of nature because although I loved nexxus therappe I think the sulfate had been drying out my hair. peace.
I would like to join. I will have to perfect a regimen and get back to you.

For now:

Increase vitamin intake (take more vitamins, I take them everyday)
Add MSM to my vitamin regimen
Cut out soda completely (I don't drink it all the time, but I do drink it more than I should)
Drink more milk
Water, water (I drink a lot of it, but you never can drink enough)
Not allow stress into my life, on my hair
Moisturize, moisturize
BlackCardinal said:
Note: If you have no idea what this is, see these threads: QuIC Info thread; QuIC Start Thread.

It's time, QuIC Challengers! Our first update!
Can't remember if you joined this challenge? That's alright, I got the list right here!!

Lorraine S

Goal: 1 inch per month (up from previous max of 3/4 in.)

Hair Stats: 4a natural, about 12 inches scalp to ends
Approx inches gained since Jan.: 2 inches
Average growth rate over 3 months: 2/3 inch per month​

Initial Plan:
1. Exercise at least 3x per week with videos at home.
2. Conscious effort to eat more protein (won't be measuring grams, just qualitatively "more").
3. Vitamin Regimen: Skin Eternal Plus, multi (Naturemade), and flax(Naturemade) on a two-day alternating schedule.
Day 1: 3 SEP
Day 2: 1 SEP, 1 multi, 2 flax

Revised Plan:
1. Still exercising--added walking on treadmill (2 miles--varying speed and incline)
2. Need to try a little harder with the protein. Specifically getting in some more protein in earlier meals.
3. Current vitamins: Only Natural For Hair Only, Doctor's Best MSM. These will last me through this month and into May. I bought the For Hair Only on clearance, so when I run out I probably won't be able to find them so cheap again. Hopefully I'll have the $$ to go back to the SEP but if not, I'll have to create a new regimen.

I'm not making any drastic changes to my plan just yet because this last measurement was made over the winter months when my growth was slowed anyhow (2/3 in. per month as opposed to 3/4). So I'm going to wait to see how things go now that it's getting warmer. The only real change I'll have to make is my vitamins when I run out. I plan to include more biotin in the new plan.

ETA: Our next update will be in 3 months, at the beginning of July.

BUMPITY BUMP!!!!! Blackcardinal! girl i completely forgot i was part of that challenge lol i cant keep up :lol: hope you doing well i ll join the gym in september your exercise plan sounds good . i need to formulate mine lol:cool: ;)