Protein overload damage.. Should I braid?


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,
I recently noticed my hair was hard and brittle and coming out in patches. one in the front and one in the back. I figured out that I proteined my hair to death and this was the culprit. I am now moisturizing like crazy. I also put braids in my hair to stop myself from pulling even more of my hair out. Not micros but not the really big ones either. Are braids ok when the hair is damaged by protein? And if so, how should I moisturize the hair that is in the braid? I am spraying my scalp with S curl everyday, but should the hair down the braid be moisturized as well? Thanks ladies
Wouldn't braids pull at the hair more? I don't really know, but it is something I would be concerned about.
I would take the braids out. You can't monitor the progress of remoisturization that way. I had protein overload very bad when I first started the HHJ trying to overcompensate. It took about 3 weeks to correct with moisture DCing multiple times a week. There would have been no way to know when it was back to normal if it was braided up.

The good news is, I became re-balanced...well overbalance. Had moisture overload a month later :lol: Takes a while to get the hang of it. There was no long-term damage.

If you use the salt, get a natural sea salt with NO IODINE. Iodized salt is probably not good to the hair.
Thanks DarkJoy, I will remember that. I think I will take the braids out this weekend. I just hope I can keep my hair from falling out.
GHE = Green House Effect- put a shower cap (plastic bag) over your hair for an extended period of time like overnight or while doing chores etc. This should maximize your hair's moisture retention. But be careful using the GHE because you don't want your hair to become over moisturize either.