Protective Styling Question...


New Member
Good Morning, All!

So, for the past few days, instead of my usual phony pony bun, I've just gathered my hair up into a banana clip. I like it SOOO much better than the bun. Its a bit cuter and my hair isn't pulled as tight.

My question is, is this a good protective style? My ends were covered and baggied whilst is bun. I still baggy at night with the B.Clip. But, I don't want to take any chances, my hair it thriving right now. Its not rubbing against anything, but the ends are exposed.

(I'm on my BB, so the search function is wonky. If this has been asked/answered before SORRY and please point me to the direction of that thread...thanks)



Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
If your ends are exposed, it's not a protective style. A protective style is any style where your ends are tucked away and "protected" from the elements (sun, wind, etc) I've read quite a few stories of hair thinning from banana clips. They don't feel tight or anything, but those claws can do some damage. Keep a close eye on your hair, especially the section where the clip is, for breakage and thinning