Protective styling just ain't workin out--still using heat


New Member
So I've been on my hair care journey for about 7 months now. I think I've tried protective styles 3 or 4 times and each time they turn out a disaster or I don't feel "confident" wearing them. I think I'm going to kick it to the curb completely :wallbash: I've seen so much stressing of no heat, no this, no that but I have been using heat once a week (blow dryer and flat iron) over the course of my hair journey and the health of my hair has not been compromised. Or at least I have seen any adverse affects. No breakage, split ends, or weak hair. The only time my hair ever broke off because of heat was when I used to use it everyday on my hair without a heat protectant. And that was YEARS ago. My hair retained length and I had no problems growing it from shoulder length to about BSB (not quite BSL but close) within a year.

Is protective styling really beneficial? Maybe it's possible I heat trained my hair :perplexed I think I've just given up on following what everyone else is doing and now I'm doing what works for me. What do you ladies think?
I'm most comfortable in protective styles so that's why I wear them. They also keep my dry hair very moisturized.

I didn't see a difference in retention during the times that I was not protective styling.

That's just me though. It's different for everyone.
I know how you feel, i'm relaxed too and i'm soo used to using my flat iron and blow dryer all the time. I didn't even like my hair when I first started protective styling, but then I found the hairstyle I like--the donut bun. When I first started my biggest issue was that if i didn't use heat then my hair would be big and puffy so I always flat ironed, but just a few weeks ago I tried towel drying and it actually got my hair almost the same as when I flat iron. I guess it makes a big difference to dry it wrapped up in a towel than in the air. I used a Turbie Twist so I didn't have to worry about a big heavy towel on top of my head. Have you tried twist outs or braid outs?
It's good that you can wear your hair the way you want to without the health of your hair being compromised. No point in protective styling if you're not going to feel confident wearing your hair that way! Although maybe there is a protective style that you'd feel comfortable with, but you just haven't found it yet?

I don't protective style either. It's rare that I'll even wear my hair in a ponytail or messy bun. When I protective style in any tighter style, I feel like I look almost bald LOL

I prefer to enjoy my hair while it's growing, and not wait until I attain my desired length. Obviously people enjoy their hair in different ways, but just continue doing what you feel comfortable doing :)
I have tried braid outs and twist outs, but I think the current length of my hair is what's making me not like it so much. I personally feel like braid outs look so much better on longer hair. When I do it on my hair...I just don't like it :nono: I'm still trying to perfect it though.

Have you tried twist outs or braid outs?

Nope I haven't found it. But I am on a mission to get a lace front wig! I will wear that thing out because I can't stand my hair being this short. If I can hide it until I get my goal length I'd be satisfied.

Although maybe there is a protective style that you'd feel comfortable with, but you just haven't found it yet?
I think you are doing the right thing for you and your hair! You don't have to do what everyone else does to be successful on your hair journey. We all use different methods, but the goal is the same--healthy, long hair! Good luck to you!
Do you Dani! Most prefer protective styling (including myself) because they have difficulty getting over the hump of APL since hair before that stage tends to rub constantly against clothes leading to breakage. If your hair got to BSB before without protective styling, then you don't have to do it. I'm sure with the proper techniques your hair will thrive!
when i was relaxed i never protective styled(for the most part). i flat ironed my hair once a week and it grew to almost bsl before i did the bc. now that im natural i still hate protective styling but i may have to do it anyway so that these kinks can grow and retain.
Protective styles work GREAT for me as far as retention, but they pretty much bore me to death. I plan on wearing my hair down most of the time in 2010, even if it means sacrificing and inch or two, as long as I keep my ends healthy overall. I am, however, leaving the flat iron alone and committing 100% to rollersetting. If I don't have time to set my hair, then I'll do a protective style.

I plan to buy a couple of cute clips to pin my hair up sometimes.
If you're not comfortable with styling your real hair, would you consider wear half wigs until you feel more comfortable? I was above EL when I started my hair journey and I wore half wigs until my hair was long enough to put in a ponytail and attach a UPA clip or put my hair in a sock bun.
I say if it works for you then go for it. As long as your hair can mantain health and retain length then it's all good.

Twist-outs had to grow on me because they shrink my hair to look like a baby fro... but now, I don't mind so much, I actually like it. But like I said, the look had to grow on me.