Protecting your hair against hats


Well-Known Member
Last year I bought a satin lined beret for about $20 on SALE. At any rate, you'd think at that price it would hold up a little better than it started pilling upon the sides.

I went back to wearing those cheap hats that they sell everywhere in NY--I'm not really ahat person...I just don't want to be cold. So, I started wrapping my hair with a satin/silk scarf before I put my hat on. However, when I was in a rush, it was too much to wrap the scarf around my head.

So being the lazy minimalist that I am, I bought a satin turban made by Christina in black.. Today, when I had to go out, I just slipped it on, then put my hat over it.

I am so proud of myself...I just thought I'd share in case anyone was interested.
Great idea! I'll have to do this also since I'm usually in too much of a hurry to wrap a scarf around my hair before I go out.
Hey Daviine,
I'm glad that the satin turban worked well for you. It's funny that you created this thread, only because I've recently finished "lining" my mom's winter cotton skull caps with several layers of satin (purchased at a local fabric store). This has worked absolute wonders for my hair as well.

God Bless & Happy Holidays,
Girl---I can't sew to save my life otherwise I would have done the same thing! Maybe that's a project for next year!