Profectiv lovers and others have you seen Smart Perm at the BSS?


Well-Known Member

I saw this at the BSS store today. It is by the same company (Strength of Nature) as Profectiv. It is cheap! That actually concerns me.

A Profectiv relaxer kit cost about $10 or more for 2 retouches.

This Smart Perm has 4 retouches and was $5.99 :look:

It does not include the foam neutralizing shampoo like Profectiv - it just has a regular neutralizing shampoo in the kit.

I emailed the contact to inquire about this relaxer compared to the wonderful Profectiv and got this:

Recipient address: [email protected]
Reason: Remote SMTP server has rejected address
Diagnostic code: smtp;550 <[email protected]> No such user here
Remote system: dns;​


Makes me want to pass on ever trying this.

Actually I have a real problem with the fact that they are even calling it a Perm. Any professional hair care company should know better. When I told my sister about it, the first thing she commented on was the name and that she would never put a particular relaxer in her hair if the actual manufacturer called it a perm. She thought it a Red Flag for some cheapie bootleg product that the Strength of Nature people threw together since folks don't like spending the $10 - $12 for the other relaxer - the good one.

What do you guys think?
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I would not touch that with a ten foot poll.


I am glad we are on the same page!!

Profectiv may be shooting themselves in the foot with this one.

It might even discourage people from trying the wonderful relaxer they already had. The Profectiv kits are amazing. But, I have heard people say they did not want to buy it when there are kits they can get for $5 and $6.