Profectiv healthy ends

I used this product a while back for bunning and it helps keep the ends fron drying. I reached armpit using this while I was preggo back in 2006. It's best for protecting the ends only. I wouldnt recommend it if you wear your hair down becuase its a heavy product. Also this is not for thin hair becuase I recommended it to a friend but it was not good on her fine strands and she had to get a trim.
I bought it once, used it up but then didn't repurchase because it is way too heavy. I only used a dime sized amount at night on the ends of my hair because it caused a lot of build up quite quickly. It really weighed my hair down.
I have natural hair and I use it on my ends, it is amazing for my ends, if your natural and have fine hair its ok, I guess prob too heavy on relaxed hair, but its a better alternate to gel in my opinion. A very good product. try thinning it out with a water based moisturizer like put a tiny into your palm and mix it up its not so tick that way- hth
It was one of my staples when I was new to LHCF. I used it when I was relaxed and it was heavy... I only used it on my ends and I liked how it is also a heat protectant (at least... I recall from my memory). I stopped using it when I became familiar with ingredients and didn't like something in it... I don't remember what.
I used to use their shampoo back in the day, and it was divine, it smelled good, and detangle my hair. Everyone here is saying it's too heavy, but the bottom line is, does it work ok? Because I need something for my ends when I'm bunning as well.
To answer your question, Yes, it works, it "protects" your ends as a thick sealent when bunning. I used to use it for my ends, but gave the jar away at like 65% full. I think I got this because it was a cold winter, and I didn't mind having something so thick and greasy on it.

But I think product build up on your ends in the long run - can mean locking out some of the good stuff your hair needs with such heavy product buildup on the most vital places of your hair shaft. Over time that may mean having to clarify on gently aged, delicate, ends of of your hair that are extremely vulnerable. I figured, why create extra stress with a product making me need to clarify sooner there when you don't have to and there are other products that will seal just as well.

Coffee gave a good suggestion - other posts on Profective may share something applicable for you that you might find useful! I see that you are natural, and I am Phyto-laxed, so who knows how the reults would be for you vs. my experience.

Good luck. :)