Preaching vs. Teaching


Over the past 10 years I have searched for the right church home. I came closest in my last city. I was a member of a Bible study at my local church and was absolutely at home in that community. I met wonderful people there and my relationship with Christ made great strides. But I couldn't take the services. I can't stand a minister who shouts! I much prefer minister's who talk in a teaching tone. Shouting always seems so contrived and theatrical to me. And what's up with the musical accompaniment/emphasis? I always feel like they are distracting me from hearing the still small voice of the Holy Spirit and instead trying to engage my physical being.

I love a praise and worship service but not while I'm expected to be fed the Word.

Am I the only one?
Preaching/Music (Singing) has always been the emphasis in Traditional black churches. I grew up in a traditional black n'hood but went to a non traditional black church. I have had teaching upon teaching. Now, I can say I can enjoy either church tradition. If I went to a church where it was mostly preaching as long as it was sound doctorine then I would not have a problem. If I went to a church where teaching was the emphasis, i would be comfortable. I was very judgemental when I was younger. I even heard ministers making remarks about old traditional black churches. ( Not soo Nice remarks). The remarks was mostly about the class structure within the black community. People who were educated and was middle to upper class tended to look down upon traditonal black churches. If christ was here I believe he would be comfortable in any place that is welcoming and ministering his word. He judges the heart not the eloquence of speech. If the church you went to did not feed you meaning you did not learn anything, then that might not be the church for you. But, I believe God can minister to you through a child if you are open to hearing his voice.
I prefer Teaching. My pastor conducts the services where the the first hour is praise and worship and the second hour is devoted to teaching. I like it that way because to me its the best of both worlds. I have four uncles that are ministers and only two conducts their services like that. The other two grabs on a topic, then spend the next hours sweatin' and screamin' about it. everybody shoutin' and gettin' the holy ghost, but when you ask them what the service was about they can't tell you! At least where I go, we get the shoutin' out earlier in the service! when my pastor is about to teach I have my notebook out to take notes and can apply that lesson for the week.
My church is much like this also. We open with praise and worship, prayer, them more praise and worship. After this my pastor takes the pulpit and teaches for the rest of the service. There have been times that God's presence fell during praise and worship and our pastor wasnt able to teach he just stepped back and let God have His way. Times like that are so awesome.
It really doesn't matter to me either way. God made all of us different, so even the preachers have different styles/techniques. To me, the important thing is that God's word is going forth, because the only way that people are saved is through the preaching of the gospel. :)
I definitely went to churches back in the day that were "preaching" based. While I enjoy praise and worship,a banging choir. The "preaching" that I was accustomed to didn't minister to me.
Over the past few years ,watching television ministries, I've been accustomed to "teachers" and absolutely enjoy the ministry. I can apply more of the teachings to my everyday walk. I"m not one for a lot of theatrics and shouting either :look:
Delp, in love :kiss: , I am telling you that it seems as though you are making negative assumptions about why one would favor teaching over preaching. I have lived in many parts of the country and have learned that the only uniform "tradition" of black folks is our color. We are not a monolithic race thus multiple "traditions" were established concurrently. Since slavery we have not all traditionally been one church format/denomination. Favor of one style of Christian worship isn't merely a class or education issue. There are articulate preachers and inarticulate teachers. But the Truth is the Truth.

I agree with you that the Lord does use anyone at anytime to speak the Truth to us.
Yeah I know what you mean, but I think they do that because that's how it's always been done. I don't think they are being phony. I can't stand it when they expect you to shout and hoop and holler (not that there's anything wrong with that by any means) while they are preaching/teaching. I don't know about you but when I am focused on something and trying to learn something I don't really say much of anything. Some people may be able to get past that and tune out all of the distractions, but I can't.
Preachers deliver their message in different ways. I sometimes feel like a preacher doesn't have to yell and carry on just to deliver a message, but I just respect how he delivers the sermon if I can discern that he has the Holy Spirit when he gets all ralled (sp?) up. There are some preachers out there that do put on an act/show. As long as his sermon is in alignment with the Bible, he's okay.
I see how teaching is more preferrable because you learn and understand it better. Sometimes, preachers say things that may be over my head but I always try to stick with what he's saying since it's a message from God.
Reply to Rocky:
Sorry if it seems I am making negative assumptions but I can only tell you from my own experience. I grew up in a teaching ministry. The pastor would always critize the baptist church/critize preachers. He lifted up people like Kenneth H.,.... Word of faith ministers/teachers. Growing up when I would attend a baptist church from time to time, I would basically laugh at the ministers and people who attended. As an adult, I briefly attended the different type of church (Baptist). Although the preacher seemed to get off topic most of the time the message did come forth and God was able to speak to my heart. I went from not listening to Gospel (because it was people singing to each other not worshipping God) to being free to see how God can use anybody and anything.
I enjoy teaching more than preaching. Anyone, who wants to growup in the things of God would say they enjoy teaching more. But, I do believe God has different gifts and anointings in the body of christ and I hope that no one will use just one format to minister. The church I attend now, sometimes the pastor teaches, sometimes he preach, .... he follows the leading of the Lord. I have allowed myself to listen to other things than Hosanna Praise,... I can listen to Gospel now.