Pray For My Mother


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. Everyone with the power of prayer. Let us get on one accord. My mother is in the hospital. I was at the hospital all night. I beleive that I got in the bed at 3:00 this morning. being that I get up at 4:30 to go to work. I guess you all know that I called out.

Mom's heart was beating faster than usual. She is Ok now as it has been regulated. She was not in pain or anything. The Dr. advised her to go to the hospital after a check up. Please pray that the Lord will lead the Doctors to the right diagnosis. I don' t want them just perscribe medication without thinking it through properly. We are not ones for taking medication. However if it has to be done , it has to be done. I just don't want my Mom diagnosed improperly as many people are. Thank you in advance for your prayers.

And let's all just thank God in advance.

Thank you Jesus! Thank you Lord!

Start Now!!
I'm sending you my prayers. On a side note. I work as a nurse on a cardiology floor. There are many options available for your mother. Research them carefully and let the doctor know your feelings about what you and your mother want. Take care.

Take your mother some blessed oil and tell her to anoint her heart in Jesus Name.

Take any unuse oil olive if you can but not mandatory put into a special botton or vile nothing fantasy. Say a quick prayer, God change this oil from a nature use to a spiritual use in Jesus Name Amen.

Use oil to anoint heart and other parts of the body using the sign of the cross and saying out loud "In Jesus Name" Everywhere the devil wants to mess you God wants to bless you. I do this for my body everyday for last 20 years any where the water hit I anoint in Jesus name. Oil represents the holy spirit and there is power in the trinity.

God I pray for rapid healing in Jesus Name. I pray for a good report from the doctor because our faith report with you. God we know that you can do everything but fail and ask in the mighty name of Jesus that you would touch this mother and family and use this situation to show others Your power and your love in Jesus NAme. AMEN!!!
Thank you for your prayers, and Heavenly Love. The Jesus in me loves the Jesus in You!!! Again thank you.
I would like to thank everyone who prayed for my mother. She was in the hospital for 10 days. Her heart rate has been regulated through a procedure. Please pray that her heart will stay regulated. Her stay on the hospital for so long was because she/we had a mission there. It was a trial set by God. did not realize it at first. But it was. From this experience I have learned. Please stay in the hospitla with your loved ones. Someone whouldbe there at all times. If not the Doctor will try any type of foolishness. My mother is not a passive person. However, I am glad that I was at the hospital everyday of her stay.

My mother was able to witness to peole during her stay as well as pray for the nurses assisting her. A few nurses felt compelled to tell their storeis and we prayed for them.

I prayed for people and families that I did not even knw by going on the chapel and finding people had issues worse thatn I thought that I had. I jsut want to thank everyone for their prayers and to let you know that God is real. He was all up in this the whole time. I mean I knew that.... But you know what I mean.