Post Your Transitioning Albums Here


New Member
I'm not sure if anybody else does this, but since I've been transitioning, I've been stalking transitioning photo albums. I love seeing where people were and where they are now. I would appreciate it if people actually posted links/pictures so we could have a thread that kept transitioners, like myself, inspired to continue on their journey. So all I ask is that you either post a link to your transitioning photo album or if you don't have an album just post up pictures. Keep your love for us transitioning sisters alive! :grin:

Here's mine -

bumping and subbing to this one. once the HYH challenge is over and I update my Fotki with all the pics I've taken along the way, I'll post the link :yep:
My album is in my siggy. I've been transitioning for 13 months now, only about 3 inches of relaxed hair left up top and the back is all natural. My album isn't very exciting tho, lol.