Post Pictures of Plaits!


New Member
Hi all,
I've been trying to think of an action plan to stop getting so many knots and tangles in my hair (hair is natural 4b) and have decided to try braiding my hair instead of twisting it for a while. I'm thinking of doing 12-18 plaits and attempting to pull them back as a protective style.

I'm currently in braid extensions so I can't really test it out. In the meanwhile, do yall (especially natural ladies) have pictures of your hair in plaits (large braids)?

Please post! I need some inspiration..


Well-Known Member
Aijo (Kemi21) has hair to die for but her fotki is locked at the moment so I cannot show you one of my favorite dos in her album. She had big plaits all plaited together in the back and tucked under. That style is simply beautiful. The shine and health of her hair makes you wanna cry with joy and envy and hate all at the same time. :lol:


New Member
Aijo (Kemi21) has hair to die for but her fotki is locked at the moment so I cannot show you one of my favorite dos in her album. She had big plaits all plaited together in the back and tucked under. That style is simply beautiful. The shine and health of her hair makes you wanna cry with joy and envy and hate all at the same time. :lol:

thanks! i'll be sure to look it up once she unlocks it again..

other ladies.. pictures??