Possible problem with mtg?


New Member
Has anyone experienced scabbing on their scalp the day after applying mtg. I applied it either Monday night or Tuesday and tonight when I was putting my hair up I noticed at least two scabs.:eek: I have not used any heat and my last perm was about a week and a half ago. I usually apply mtg after I wash my hair so no other chemicals were in my hair except what I mix in with my mtg ( which was surge deodorizer, mango butter , olive oil ). Ladies help me out if you've ever experienced something like this before. :confused: Just wanted to note that I am not a new user of this product so I believe I am using it the right way.
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Wow. No, I've never experienced this. Could it be the surge too? I wish I could help. I hope your scalp gets better though.
I have found scabs on my scalp a week or so after getting a relaxer, so it could be that. MTG actually has helped to clear my scalp of dandruff & flakes.
I have never experienced any scabbing..... i wonder if you are having an allergic reaction to something in that concoction? I use the MTG straight.
I had a horrible reaction to Surge that caused scabs to form on my scalp...I shudder when I think about it. I have used MTG and this never caused scabs. I would take out the surge, that most likely is the culprit. I have heard of atleast 2 other members that experienced similar reactions to surge.
trimbride said:
I had a horrible reaction to Surge that caused scabs to form on my scalp...I shudder when I think about it. I have used MTG and this never caused scabs. I would take out the surge, that most likely is the culprit. I have heard of atleast 2 other members that experienced similar reactions to surge.

Yep, i know a few ppl have complained about Surge being the culprit in terms of scabbing.....
Thanks alot ladies, I will try to use mtg straight and not mix it with anything. I didn't know that surge was that strong to cause scabbing especially not the deodorizer. This maybe the end of my mtg use because the smell is so bad sometimes I get embrassed and start thinking people can smell my hair. Well we'll see.