Please pray for my nephews!


formerly qtslim83
Hello ladies! I'm just asking that you please pray for my 2 little nephews. My sister has put them into a preditcament that they are to young to understand or control (they are 3 and 6 yrs old). Please pray for their safety. They mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do I something were to happen. Thank you in advance.
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I know exactly what you are going through had the same thing with two of my nephews years ago. I pray and prayed and God got myself back on track but I still raised them especially financily but I did not mind as long as they were happy. Praying in Jesus name that God will cover with the blood of Jesus.
I pray that God gaurd your steps and the steps of your little ones, and that his loving protective arms touch them and keep them from danger.
I have prayed they are engulfed and saturated with the Holy spirit and those who are around them. I wish them many blessings!