Please Pray For Missing Friend


New Member
I request prayer for my friend who has gotten involved with the wrong people. He has turned to drugs and is very depressed. Please pray that these negative people and influences are removed from him for good. Please pray that he has health and inner peace to turn his life around. Please pray that he is protected while he finds his way to getting the help he needs.And please pray that he is kept safe and reappears soon. I, his family and friends are all worried he may take his own life. Thank you.
Yes I will defintely pray. I will pray your prayers and also that not only will he be found and safe, but will be delivered from what and all that has caused this 'change' and flight of fright in him. That his new transition will be in Jesus and he is set free from any and every bondage that has held him captive spirtually, mentally and emotionally.

After all each of us were 'Prodicals' in one form or another and we each 'came to ourselves' realizing that our real home is with our loving Father who is waiting with the new coat to place upon us, a ring of eternal committment upon our finger and the fatted calf to celebrate our return home. In Jesus' name Amen....
Thank you all for your shared prayers. My friend contacted me today and is safe and in a rehab facility. He sounds in much better spirits. In prayer yesterday I felt at peace and heard a voice inside say he was ok and when I slept last night I kept getting images of a hospital like place as if that was where he was. But instead of feeling scared as if something happened to him to put him in a hospital, I felt calm and that is was a place to help him. And then I woke up and got the call. I am so happy and grateful. I felt God was speaking to me to let show me that he was alright.