PHYTO USERS.. Can you stretch longer?

amina kamal

New Member
I think I read in a previous post that one of the benefits to relaxing with Phyto is that it allows some people to stretch longer. Has this been true in your experience? How many times a year do you relax with phyto?
Great post, I can't wait to hear the answer. I just had my first phyto relaxer this weekend and I'm loving it!!!
I texturize my w/ Phyto and my last stretch was 11 months. But I think that had more to do with texturizing than with Phyto. With texturized hair the DL isn't as severe.
Thanks Sareca. That makes sense, the line of demarcation isnt as pronounced so the relaxed hair is closer in texture to the new growth. Maybe ladies that relax bone straight with phyto can stretch longer because the relaxed hair is left thicker and stronger than it is with other kinds of relaxers. Just guessing.
I started using Phyto in October of '06. And I am just learning to "stretch" more. So, I can't really answer your question. But my relaxed hair is thicker, fuller and stronger, so that may be helping.

Hopefully you will get more feedback from ladies who have been doing both for a long time.
amina kamal said:
Thanks Sareca. That makes sense, the line of demarcation isnt as pronounced so the relaxed hair is closer in texture to the new growth. Maybe ladies that relax bone straight with phyto can stretch longer because the relaxed hair is left thicker and stronger than it is with other kinds of relaxers. Just guessing.
ITA, Amina Kamal. I relax to complete straightness (4a) w/ Phyto Index 2 and this is true, in my experience. It tried to switch to Silk Elements (Regular) and it worked fairly well. When my new growth came in, however, there was a drastic difference in not only texture, but thickness. There was no way to stretch past 6 weeks, because my hair started to break and shed. Once I returned to Phyto, I was able to go about 9 weeks without a retouch. Thank goodness, because Phytorelaxer isn't exactly 'free with purchase' :lol:.

HTH :)
Thats good to know dona flor! Voce e brasileira? I tried phyto 1 and it left deep waves and just wasnt strong enough for my 4a hair. I will try phyto 2 next to try to fully relax the underprocessed part.
I've been using Phyto 2, and I believe it definitely helps me stretch longer. When I got my weave, my stylist thought my relaxer was only about 2 weeks old, and it had been 5 weeks at that point.
I'm a Phyto user (index 2)

I relax my hair (bone straight) twice a year, I usually stretch out my relaxer to 5 or 6 months.

I love the result, my hair is straight and full, I will continue to use this relaxer and relax twice a year
so far so good.
I use index 2 and stretch pretty good most of the time. That is until I get those crazy summer growth spurts...then all bets are off! :lol: Generally though I relax about 3 times a year.

I think my hair is much healthier using phyto even though I do happen to leave the relaxer on longer than the instructions say. I generally leave it on 33-36 minutes (that includes smoothing time).

amina kamal said:
Thats good to know dona flor! Voce e brasileira? I tried phyto 1 and it left deep waves and just wasnt strong enough for my 4a hair. I will try phyto 2 next to try to fully relax the underprocessed part.

Amina Kamal-Thanks for noticing my screen name :grin: ! Eu sou americana, mas eu falo um pouco de portugues :). I'm glad I didn't try the index 1, as I probably would been underprocessed also. Hope you have better luck with index 2.
I was doing 3x a year....but I think that will increase to 4x this year...but not more than that.