Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge

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I just placed another order, I'm going to try the sample size of the micro tek shampoo. I'm becoming an Eqyss junkie. And :yep: the premier shampoo really does clean and soften the hair without stripping it.

:yep: The premier shampoo. I use the creme rinse as a leave in after washing, the micro tek (like Surge ingredients wise)on the scalp after applying megatek and now some survivor (serum) on my twists. That serum is better than the Neutrogena.

Oh I also mist my whole head with premier spray daily (my Elasta QP H-Two) replacement. Add moisture with NO sticky feeling or build up. I spray my twist and put on my satin scarf, it remains moist and shiny.

The products don't seem to leave build up like conventional hair products either. I wish I'd used these years ago.

From the shampoo alone my hair has never been softer. NEVER!! I have to follow this up with Elasta QP creme moisturising shampoo as using it alone isn't enough. It's sounds strange to describe it like this but although it cleans and softens the hair there is no slip. The Elasta Shampoo has serious slip I haven't found a shampoo that comes close to it.
Your hair looks sooooooo good! I just ordered the Premier Shampoo, the Rehydrant Spray, and another bottle of the Mega Tek, as well as the Premier Rinse. Valleyvet.com has a pdf file of the human cross-over benefits of all the Eqyss products - apparently writen by Eqyss. After reading that, I decided to give some of the other products a try.
Has anyone purchased MT from a horse store. I live in Florida, where there is a plenty of horse farms or do you have to purchase online.

I'm a newbie and have been reading all I can in this forum. A wealth of information is an understatement. I am learning so much from this forum and you ladies have some beautiful hair...you go gurls. To actually see these beautiful heads of hair on african american women was surprising and wonderful. I thought like many others that you only saw hair like that on mix race people. I'm taking you all's advice and applying the regime to my daily hair care.

Oh, browneyes09, I found Mega-Tek at a local horse supply store here in Snellville, North Atlanta, GA. It's worth a google search for your local horse supply stores.

Thanks everyone for your expertise.
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For some reason my pikistrips is too large...?

I would say MegaTek did it's thang for me...from March to June I've had some great progress. Yeah I could have combed it out better..*hump*

Thanks Megatek...Come on September Update :yep:

Dec 07........................ March 08........................ June 08

Your growth is amazing!!!
May I ask if you are natural or relaxed?
Thanks ;-)
Yes you can how little or often as you like.

I'm a daily user Nice & Wavy is an every other day user. Our growth both took off from frequent use it seems. The more frequent though the better. :yep:

That's good to know because I'm looking for progress. My hair finally started growing with MN going from a no-grower to a slow grower, so at least it grew. :yep:
I went to the pet-store today to purchase it. The clerk said that they were selling the Mega-Tek (for humans) and that they were out until Friday.:spinning:
I don't know if I can hold out. :sekret:

I'm a natural so my concern would be about the shedding that I've been reading about here. :yep:
Thank you for posting info here.
Hi caribgirl:hiya:. I'm sorrry that I missed your post. I was applying the MT and BT to the scalp only and Aloe Vera Curl Activator Gel to the hair. I claryified weekly (because of the buildup) but didn't DC enough. I know now that with the BT (sulphur) and weekly clarifying that I was basically drying my hair out. Which resulted in breakage. I'm gonna p/u some garlic supps and Grapeseed Oil this weekend and then I'll be starting over. Until then I'm just gonna sit back and watch all of yalls pretty hair :yep:. You guys are doing great!

Yippee!!! I'm glad that you found out from these intelligent sisters the cause of your breakage AND that you decided not to give up on the MT!!!!! :grin: I have found that DCs and steam towel treatments the best at maintaining moisture!!
Keep us posted Aprilj!!
Are there any people here who are 101% natural with results using Mega-Tek yet?
Just curious...especially cautious now that I just read about all of the breakage.
Are there any people here who are 101% natural with results using Mega-Tek yet?
Just curious...especially cautious now that I just read about all of the breakage.

:lachen: 101% natural? I guess you could call me that - I'm definitely natural. :lol:
I've had great results from it - I've had to increase my amount of DC'ing (twice a week, now), but I've actually seen less breakage since I've started using it.....
:lachen: 101% natural? I guess you could call me that - I'm definitely natural. :lol:
I've had great results from it - I've had to increase my amount of DC'ing (twice a week, now), but I've actually seen less breakage since I've started using it.....
Thanks gurl!
It's just that some people claim to be natural and they are processed via texlaxed, ((relaxed)), etc....some of them..LOL. :lol:That's where the 101% :lol: came from.
How long have you used this product? Have you seen any results yet?
Today, 01:35 PM

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 6

Re: Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge
Has anyone purchased MT from a horse store. I live in Florida, where there is a plenty of horse farms or do you have to purchase online.

Ok, I checked the local horse supply store. They are sold out.:wallbash::wallbash: THe clerk asks "Is there something going on with horses, I don't know about?" I am like wtf. He says, "you are the 8th african american female to ask for the MT reconstructor this month." The word is out ladies, this stuff must be the bomb.

I live in college town, (FAMU and FSU) and the horse feed store is across the street from FAMU, so I will be in there like a white on rice waiting for the order to come.

How much is everyone paying. It was $19.99 in the store. Does that sound about right?

Today, 01:35 PM

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 6

Re: Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge
Has anyone purchased MT from a horse store. I live in Florida, where there is a plenty of horse farms or do you have to purchase online.

Ok, I checked the local horse supply store. They are sold out.:wallbash::wallbash: THe clerk asks "Is there something going on with horses, I don't know about?" :lachen::lachen::lachen:I am like wtf. He says, "you are the 8th african american female to ask for the MT reconstructor this month." The word is out ladies, :lachen::lachen::lachen:this stuff must be the bomb.

I live in college town, (FAMU and FSU) and the horse feed store is across the street from FAMU, so I will be in there like a white on rice waiting for the order to come.

How much is everyone paying. It was $19.99 in the store. Does that sound about right?


I read this and cracked....down low yall; down low. :lachen::lachen:
Today, 01:35 PM

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 6

Re: Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge
Has anyone purchased MT from a horse store. I live in Florida, where there is a plenty of horse farms or do you have to purchase online.

Ok, I checked the local horse supply store. They are sold out.:wallbash::wallbash: THe clerk asks "Is there something going on with horses, I don't know about?" I am like wtf. He says, "you are the 8th african american female to ask for the MT reconstructor this month." The word is out ladies, this stuff must be the bomb.

I live in college town, (FAMU and FSU) and the horse feed store is across the street from FAMU, so I will be in there like a white on rice waiting for the order to come.

How much is everyone paying. It was $19.99 in the store. Does that sound about right?

I've been using mega tek for only a week now and going through my hair today I feel what seems like new growth. Is it possible to grow that fast? I'm hoping so but at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up.:ohwell:
Today, 01:35 PM

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 6

Re: Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge
Has anyone purchased MT from a horse store. I live in Florida, where there is a plenty of horse farms or do you have to purchase online.

Ok, I checked the local horse supply store. They are sold out.:wallbash::wallbash: THe clerk asks "Is there something going on with horses, I don't know about?" I am like wtf. He says, "you are the 8th african american female to ask for the MT reconstructor this month." The word is out ladies, this stuff must be the bomb.

I live in college town, (FAMU and FSU) and the horse feed store is across the street from FAMU, so I will be in there like a white on rice waiting for the order to come.

How much is everyone paying. It was $19.99 in the store. Does that sound about right?




I have NOT been using OT consistently.

UUUUUGH AWESOME!:blush::blush::blush::yep: Gosh my order should be here friday! Can't wait!

And HOLY CRAP did this crack me up!!:lachen: To think I was going to check my local pet store in Brooklyn to see if they had something by chance... Now I think I'll just stick to ordering online. I don't like nobody in ma bidness....:rolleyes:

Originally Posted by browneyes09
Today, 01:35 PM

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 6

Re: Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge
Has anyone purchased MT from a horse store. I live in Florida, where there is a plenty of horse farms or do you have to purchase online.

Ok, I checked the local horse supply store. They are sold out.:wallbash::wallbash: THe clerk asks "Is there something going on with horses, I don't know about?" I am like wtf. He says, "you are the 8th african american female to ask for the MT reconstructor this month." The word is out ladies, this stuff must be the bomb.

I live in college town, (FAMU and FSU) and the horse feed store is across the street from FAMU, so I will be in there like a white on rice waiting for the order to come.

How much is everyone paying. It was $19.99 in the store. Does that sound about right?

I just placed another order, I'm going to try the sample size of the micro tek shampoo. I'm becoming an Eqyss junkie. And :yep: the premier shampoo really does clean and soften the hair without stripping it.

:yep: The premier shampoo. I use the creme rinse as a leave in after washing, the micro tek (like Surge ingredients wise)on the scalp after applying megatek and now some survivor (serum) on my twists. That serum is better than the Neutrogena.

Oh I also mist my whole head with premier spray daily (my Elasta QP H-Two) replacement. Add moisture with NO sticky feeling or build up. I spray my twist and put on my satin scarf, it remains moist and shiny.

The products don't seem to leave build up like conventional hair products either. I wish I'd used these years ago.

From the shampoo alone my hair has never been softer. NEVER!! I have to follow this up with Elasta QP creme moisturising shampoo as using it alone isn't enough. It's sounds strange to describe it like this but although it cleans and softens the hair there is no slip. The Elasta Shampoo has serious slip I haven't found a shampoo that comes close to it.

wow sounds good :grin:

But damn you for encouraging the PJ in me :lachen: :nono:

Lol Im going to be broke ; But for the sake of m finances; ill start with buying the shampoo 1st; once i come back from holiday :yep:


I have NOT been using OT consistently.

Not only am I going to stalk your album SAY WHAT...seriously (as she prays for payday to come- Jesus please let it come quicktime)

All that growth in a month...girl for im soooooooo amazed!!!!!!
I cannot read this whole thread:nono:
But i'm in this if i can keep up(be consistent) with it:yep:
I got my mega tek online for about $21.
It smells really good too:yep:
Can't wait to see some progress...
Your hair looks sooooooo good! I just ordered the Premier Shampoo, the Rehydrant Spray, and another bottle of the Mega Tek, as well as the Premier Rinse. Valleyvet.com has a pdf file of the human cross-over benefits of all the Eqyss products - apparently writen by Eqyss. After reading that, I decided to give some of the other products a try.

Thank you. I hope you like em as much as I do.

Today, 01:35 PM

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 6

Re: Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge
Has anyone purchased MT from a horse store. I live in Florida, where there is a plenty of horse farms or do you have to purchase online.

Ok, I checked the local horse supply store. They are sold out.:wallbash::wallbash: THe clerk asks "Is there something going on with horses, I don't know about?" I am like wtf. He says, "you are the 8th african american female to ask for the MT reconstructor this month." The word is out ladies, this stuff must be the .

I live in college town, (FAMU and FSU) and the horse feed store is across the street from FAMU, so I will be in there like a white on rice waiting for the order to come.

How much is everyone paying. It was $19.99 in the store. Does that sound about right?



That is toooooo funny. The man must be seriously stumped. There's probably thousands of women stalking these forums and just using the Mt like nobody's business. Good luck to em all. It's about time we found the products that work for us.

I've been using mega tek for only a week now and going through my hair today I feel what seems like new growth. Is it possible to grow that fast? I'm hoping so but at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up.:ohwell:

Yes it is :yep: On day #2 after I came back from vacation I felt the NG kick in. When i used BT I noticed after 3-4 days my friend who uses BT called me and said I must be going crazy I can feel the NG already. It is possible.



I have NOT been using OT consistently.

:shocked: That is some crazy a$$ growth. WOW congrats Sareca.

wow sounds good :grin:

But damn you for encouraging the PJ in me :lachen: :nono:

Lol Im going to be broke ; But for the sake of m finances; ill start with buying the shampoo 1st; once i come back from holiday :yep:

Hey don't blame me, blame them damn horses for holding out on us for so long.:lachen:

Gives a new meaning to the term horse hair :look:
Today, 01:35 PM

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 6

Ok, I checked the local horse supply store. They are sold out.:wallbash::wallbash: THe clerk asks "Is there something going on with horses, I don't know about?" I am like wtf. He says, "you are the 8th african american female to ask for the MT reconstructor this month." The word is out ladies, this stuff must be the bomb.
This is too funny. :lachen:

Gives a new meaning to the term horse hair :look:
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