Organic/Natyral Hair Products


Organic/Natural Hair Products

Ok ladies, let get it out once and for all. List the organic/natural products you are using as

1) Shampoo
2) Conditioner
3) Cream Moisturizers
4) Cream Leave-Ins
5) Clarifyers

What do you like/dislike about them? You are welcome to list the ingredients.
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I just ordered some natural products, and I think I'm going to start making my own shampoos and conditioner using the products listed in the recipes below:

Ingredients for Conditioner:
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup vegetable oil
  • ½ cup water
  • 2 tbsp honey

    Combine ingredients. Boil on stove. Immediately remove from heat and allow to cool. Transfer into a spray bottle. Spray on wet hair and wrap hair in towel for 15 minutes. Remove towel and rinse. Store conditioner in a cool place between uses.

Ingredients for shampoo:

- one cup (coffee cup , not a very big one) of aloe vera gel)

- 2 teaspoons of castile liquid soap

- 1 teaspoons of honey

- ½ teaspoon of vegetable glycerin

- 10 drops of Jojoba and olive oil (5 and 5)

I was using Aubrey's but I want to see if I can go even more basic!! I'll keep y'all informed how this home-made route turns out.

I like the idea of saving money and being even more in control of what I put on my hair.

I use a coconut hair gel by, but I might just try to make my own gel too just because shipping time and costs gets tiresome.
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1) Shampoo- castile soap (Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1)

2) Conditioner- I'm working on mixing up my own, I'll try the one that Nay listed
3) Cream Moisturizers- I'm not sure if shea butter is included in this, but I use it
4) Cream Leave-Ins- I use water & almond oil, they're not creamy though

5) Clarifyers- castile soap (Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1)

All of the above have been working well for me.
Re: Organic/Natural Hair Products

Thanks you guys for the info. I will have to check out those other postings Annakei, but everyone keep the comments coming.
I currently use a mixture of Dr. Bronner's almond castile soap mixed with pure African black soap. I sometimes use a mixture of Aubrey's Organics island naturals, shea butter, fragrance oil, Africa's best herbal oil, and honey. Sometimes I don't condition other than leaving the soap mixture on for a few extra minutes. As a leave in I am using a spritz made of water, ten pumps of Burt's Bees Carrot Nutritive Lotion, and tow capfuls of Africa's Best Ultimate herbal oil. That is my whole regimen, and it is ALL natural.