Only 1-2 inches of growth in a year : a bad sign?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I had been transitioning for a little more than one year when I cut off the relaxer on December 31, 2002. I was astonished to see how little growth I had accumulated. The longest part of my natural hair was only 2 inches and the shortest part was barely an inch.

I was confused because during the one year transition, I took really good care of my hair, kept it in protective styles to minimize breakage, drank lots of water, and took supplements.

I think my mother was surprised as well because I had been growing out my natural hair 3 months longer than my sister and her natural hair reached shoulder length when blowdried whereas mines was extremely short.

Is this a sign of some health problem? Do I just have an extremely slow hair growth rate or am I just being fooled by the "shrinkage factor" of my hair?

Maybe I do have slow growth because I remember when I was relaxed and 8 weeks would pass and I barely had any new growth. Hmm...I'm a little worried....

Input is appreciated.

Are you suffereing from breakage? And how is your diet? My hair grew really fast back in day and slowed down a while. When I look back there were things I was doing to my hair (handling it a lot, blow drying too often, etc) that broke my hair and made it look like it's not growing. Since I've been taking supplements and watching what I eat or drink I've noticed some improvement in my hair and skin condition.


I wasn't suffering from breakage and I'm not suffering from breakage now. My hair for the past year has been quite healthy. I just might have slow growth because after 8 weeks after my last touch up I would feel no new growth which isn't normal. I think that my diet is pretty good plus I take supplements.

I don't know....

My hair is like that. I I don't know why may be cause of Split Ends or not that mosturized enough.
You may have something going on internally that you aren't aware of. You should get a through physical to rule out any problems. Then ask the docotor what supplements you could take to increase your growth. He or she may refer you to a dermatologist who can give you more insight and also a perscription for hair growth. Good luck...

P.S. At least you are not losing any length...
I could be wrong but I think that if you have problems with your thyroid it will reflect on your hair. When was the last time you had a complete physical? Share your concerns with your doctor because 1-2 inches is not normal at all.
I know 1-2 inches doesn't sound like much, considering some people around here are getting 1-2 inches a month, but I did read a post around here, where one lady says she just gets about 1/4 inch a month, so it takes her about 4 months to get an inch---that's only a little more than you, so maybe there is nothing wrong, but if it were me, I would go to the doctor.
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your responses. To answer your questions, the only "sickness" I've experienced in the past year is sinuses/allergies which I have quite often.

I had a complete physical last summer and I was told that I was in good health. I may see my doctor again and a dermatologist just to be sure.

Then again, maybe I'm just freaking myself out because 1-2 inches of 4A/4B hair will be longer when straightened.

But thanks for your comments. I appreciate the love!
Hi, Ebony

Is it that you are only seeing 1-2 inches of retained length/ends or is that new growth out of your scalp?

I find it hard to believe that ANYONE'S hair grows that slow if they are taking supplements, drinking plenty of water and are in good health..

Word of advice: Don't compare your hair to your sister's. We are all unique and our hair may grow differently then those around us.

#2: Heck, ask sis what she is doing differently from you? You may be surprised to find out it's something simple.

#3: Try a hair inspiration's hair routine in the forum.

Hope this helps you,
Re: Only 1-2 inches of growth in a year : a bad si

Has anyone besides you been trimming your hair? If so, then...well you know my theory about scissor happy stylists.

Other than that, I am a 4a/b and I am 10 weeks post-relaxer. I've got about 1 1/4 inch of new growth(straightened), but other than that, the hair in it's natural state is not even 1/2 inch. Do you see what I'm saying?

Hope that helps!
Re: Only 1-2 inches of growth in a year : a bad si

I think whatever it is (if its anything at all) its internal. You made it pretty clear that you were talking about your new growth after a year, and you were concerned with what you were left with after you completely cut the relaxed hair out - which rules out splits, breakage and any othger extenral factors completely IMO.

Check your diet...make sure you aren't anemic, or any other "ic"

If you feel ok though - and the new hair isn't excessivly dry or brittle feeling - it might just be your growth rate. Until recently I got somewhere between 1/4 and a 1/2 inch a month. Not alot more than what you got.

Is the 1-2 inches what your hair measures after you blowdry? Or after you wash and airdry - cuz then we could be dealing with shrinkage as you mentioned. My mother's hair shrinks to a quarter of her length when she airdrys her hair. On natural hair, that shrinkage really makes a difference.

I was measuring my new growth while I was growing out a relaxer. When my mother cut off nothing but the relaxed ends, I only had 1-2 inches of natural hair.

I wouldn't dare ask my sister for any advice on how to take care of hair because her hair regime is terrible. She won't keep her hair moisturized and insists on not wearing her satin cap (BTW, she has natural 4B hair) It's just disheartening when I take the time to take care of my hair and she doesn't take care of hers and hers grows strong and fast like weeds.

Re: Only 1-2 inches of growth in a year : a bad si

Hi Tracy,

My natural hair actually feels amazing and very moisturized. My hair has never been healthier. The 1-2 inches was in its natural state. I don't blowdry or straighten my hair. Maybe it is the shrinkage factor... But I will go to the doctor to make sure that I don't have any "ics" *LOL. Thanks!

You know this last year has been like that for me. My length July 2002 was 22.5" and almost a year later I'm only at about 24.5" I know I trimmed about 1" off but come on..ya know. That would make it only 3" in one year. I bet it's from trimming my "queen piece" (
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