Once You Reach Your Hair Goal


New Member
I was just curious of what all of the ladies had planned once they reached their hair goal. Here are a few on mine /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Stop taking so many vitamins
Take lots of photos
Look in the mirror for hours and admire my length /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Throw my hair around in front of those sceptics that did'nt
think I could achieve my goal /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Stop measuring my hair in the mirror everyday trying
to see how much further I have before I achieve my goal /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Wear all of those styles I couldn't wear with short hair

I could go on and on but I will leave room for you ladies to share!
I thought about this the other day as it goes and my goal is waistlength. I know it will either be easy to handle ot even harder now 4 inches away from BS lenght. But I have this feeling I'm going to try to aim for longer and the goal after that to try and sit on my hair. Who knows.
When I reach my goal I plan on posting pictures (the proof is in the pudding I guess). Then I plan on helping other people, especially other naturals, with their hair goals. I also plan on wearing some nice styles I have had my eye on for a hot minute. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
After I reach my goals (willbe a good while), I plan to maintain the health and length and also help others on their hair journey.
1. pass out from shock
2. thank the heavens
3. keep up my supplement regimens, eat healthy, keep the same hair regimen
4. enjoy
I only have about 6 inches to brastrap. WHEN I reach this goal I will CELEBRATE!!!!!

Who knows, maybe a try to get my hair to my waist!!!!
I am happy you almost reach your goal. I dont have a set goal,I just want my hair to stay on my head, then I'll see from there. Few ?, how long did it take for you to reach this far, and what were your set backs? I notice a lot of ladies are taking Puritan's Pride Biotin, did it do any thing for u and have u ever tried Cardiovascular Research mega biotin? THank u in advance

Girl, I'd have to say ditto! Until finding websites such as this one, I "never" thought I could grow my hair past my neckline, let alone keep the length for any time. Since following advice from this board, my hair is healthy. The thin & bald spots have grown back. My goal is 25" then you talk about some swingin goin on! It's going to take me approx. three-four years to reach this length (unless I incorporate exercising 3-4 times weekly). Although, I don't contribute much to this board, doesn't mean I'm not grateful to all "my hair growing sisters" for all your encouragement, info. contributions & advice. All of you are the reason my hair is in the great shape it's in!

Much love to you all!
My first goal is waist length then tailbone I don't have a set time but I'm trying to get there ASAP. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
But I will just stick to my regime vitamins and products and go for broke-just keep growing it out until it gets to be too much for me /images/graemlins/shocked.gif or I reach my limit. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
i don't think i'll change much actually. the only thing that will change is that i'll wear it down ALOT more. i've sacrificed enjoying it thusfar to attain the length.

Once I reach my hair goal, bra strap length from front to back(same length) and healthy /images/graemlins/grin.gif, I will reduce my intake of vitamins. I will continue to perform my hair regimen for life /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I think once I reach my goal of waistlength, I am going to start over with natural hair. I started out wanting to really grow my natural hair long and couldn't find any help with it. It wasn't until after I relaxed my hair that I discovered this site, so I I have been keeping my relaxed hair healthy. But once my goal is reached, I see no reason to not start over with natural hair. For me its the challenge of growing it long that I enjoy.
I don't even know what my goal is now that I think of it!

Of course it's to achieve and maintain it's health from the inside out but as for the length, I don't know. I think I would want to stop at bra strap... if I ever get that far. Once there, I'll just wear cute styles and give advice when asked.
I am like you LD,

My ultimate goal for now is waist length, but if my hair continues, I will take that. I think classic tailbone length would be nice for me.

Once I reach my goal I will continue with all Bvits and fo-ti to keep the growth phase active. And silica for hair sheen.
On the extrinsic note, henna will be my main staple- only much more of it to use. Scalp washes only and wash the length once a week.

Hmmm...my goal is waist length and then after that I'll just keep it there. If it grows any longer than that then fine. I've always taken vitamins so I'll just continue with that and try to keep it healthy as it is. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'll probably keep it at waist length (that's as long as I want it) and try and get my shortest layer at that moment to my chest (probably my bangs). Then maintain my regimen, maybe wearing my hair out more (keeping the braids for winters only) and doing some really funky, "sophistotwist" buns (some need really long hair). And that's it...not much different from now.
Well...my hair goal isn't the length but rather the health of my hair. So, I guess I can't stop anything. I'm going to have to continue to give it protein treatments and conditioning it like crazy. I can never stop that. Plus, I love maintaining my hair..makes me feel good /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Well my goal is also waist length as well, Cher my hair idol before she started getting the wigs.
Id probally pass out from all the shock, and then when i woke up id throw a party. Take pictures and post. Lord knows what else id do. ALl i know is id be happy /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'll just be /images/graemlins/trampoline.gif

Happy, Happy, Happy !

/images/graemlins/bouncy.gif /images/graemlins/bouncy.gif /images/graemlins/bouncy.gif


When I reach my goal (Bra strap), I will keep my same regimine and take only 2mgs of Biotin. I'll also take LOTS of pictures and keep it trimmed at that length only.
I'm going to remind myself not to ever cut it short again, but I don't plan to do anything differently.

I think my hair looks better longer......and you know, nobody ever told me how pretty my hair was until I cut it off. Then, they were saying, "Why did you cut your hair? It was absolutely beautiful!" I was thinking, "Why didn't you #@!%+@ tell me that before?!!!