okay, i'm giving in


New Member
okay, i\'m giving in

I'm about to go wash my hair and let it......
air dry. Okay, now if this leaves my hair looking like spongbob's long lost sister i'm gonna cry
but i'm only thinking good thoughts so wish me luck
Re: okay, i\'m giving in

Good luck.Don;t write it off it doesn't come out great the first time.Airdrying takes practice.You really need to find a good leave-in and serum to make it work well(in my case)
Re: okay, i\'m giving in

This is one thing I learn from this site. I can actually air dry and then curl it like it’s been blow dried. I’ve packed my dryer away. My hair gets a little waving so I have to make sure I put it in pig tails. I put some the Elucence conditioner (can use as a leave in), some kind of silk (Design Essentials or my standby Biosilk) and Keracare Essential oil on the outer layer of the hair.
Re: okay, i\'m giving in

Try using the ponytail drying method. This gets your hair straigth even if you are in need of a relaxer.
Re: okay, i\'m giving in

Hey everyone
My hair is pulled back in a bun and tied down with a scarf. Sitting with my hair up in a towel after washing worked really well
When i took it down my hair was halfway dry already. Then i had to go digging for stuff to put on my hair. (I don't have any other hair products other than my hair dress and a can of oil sheen---Seriously
)I normally just use ultra sheen hairdress on my scalp, but i didn't need to do that since i didn't blowdry
Anyway i found a bottle of Organic Root Stimilator Shea Butter that the BSS gave me as as a sample. I sprayed my hair with a little oil sheen so that i would have an easier time combing it back, then i applied the Shea Butter. This stuff smells pretty good and it makes my hair look shiny not greasy
After i finished that i applied Vaseline to my ends since i'm also doing that challenge (it works really well) and i twisted my hair into a bun and put a scrunchie on it. Now it's safely tied down and out of harms way
Hopefully i won't look too crazy tomorrow
(fingers crossed) --jainygirl
Re: okay, i\'m giving in

Hey jainygirl, next time you airdry, try using an ACV rinse. It really helps the hair dry smooth. Good luck.
