OK!! Naptrl has an album YOU CAN SEE!!


Dr. Naptrl :)
Hi ladies. I know you looked at my thumbnails before, but I fixed the album. You can see the slideshow now. I also added pics of the ATL meeting. Please Check em out again and let me know what you think.

My hair was about 2.5 inches in August, so it's amazing how much it has grown. Even in these pics from December braidout to January puff! I wish I had pics of the big chop...Some are blurry..sorry!!

PW: jesussaves
I Love your hair! It's looks beautiful and so shiny! What do you put in your hair to make it like that because my hair is soooo dry!
This was a wash and go style. I just washed it, put mango butter and surge in it, and then slicked it back with EQP glaze. This was at the end of the day though, so it was dry.
naptrl said:
This was a wash and go style. I just washed it, put mango butter and surge in it, and then slicked it back with EQP glaze. This was at the end of the day though, so it was dry.

Looks healthy and shiny! Good growing Naptrl!
Yeah, it's grown like crazy. My hair loves being natural. I should have done it sooner!! Thanks for the compliment!!
Thanks soo much ladies! It means a lot to get compliments from ladies with such beautiful heads of hair!!!
Your hair is really pretty! I love your texture and curls. It has a great shine. You're doing a great job!
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dontspeakdefeat said:
Your hair is beautiful!! :)
Oh, DSD!! I didn't even seeeeee your comment before, girl!! Thanks soo much! I'm gonna need to get one of your progress t-shirts soon!! :)
Thanks, girl!! You're not late..I just posted this thread this morning!! Your hair is beautiful as well!!!