Not Happy with Henna Sooq Online Store

Thanks everyone for your feedback:

I would like to clarify a few things. The site when I was on it prior to placing my order did not mention that it was down, it was not mentioned on the front page, nor the page displaying the product(s), nor was it mentioned on the order page, this information was also not displayed on the owner customized paypal payment screen. Also, I was unaware that the owner was a member of this site. The thoughts I expressed are out of frustration because I was not provided with the option to make another decision prior to making a payment. I am glad to hear that the information regarding the owner's time off is visible on the site. Unfortunately, at the time I ordered it was not.

I appreciate LHCF because it provides all of us with the opportunity to voice our feedback, opinions, knowledge, etc. Our information may cause others to react or make no impact at all but at least we have an open environment to share.

Thanks again everyone!
You know what OP, I ain't mad at you.

I don't care if the vendor is a member of this board I personally don't like surprises and I would have been annoyed as well.

Congrats to Henna Sooq on her new arrival.
WOW! I just finished reading this...I never got to see this post. I was doing the bare minimums back then. Yes I just had a baby, and yes I did have to move 6 hours away after we had the baby in the same month (at that time in June 2008). So it was pretty hard, and I am a human being. This kind of hurts me.
I also have a blog where info is always readily available, and am on facebook. so there is always a way to find me. I make myself available, for whatever it is I may be going through. I also have SIX children. So I do the absolute best I can. I do this because I really love henna, ayurveda hair care, and you all keep me going!!

I agree there is a right to vent, and I appreciate that. We do need to speak up when things aren't right. We need to depend on each other, and look to each other for help. The buyer did not know me personally, and unfortunately my statement wasn't clear enough to them, so that I understand because I really am not a difficult person to deal with.

I also wanted to thank all of you lovely ladies, who had my back during this time. You really had my back!!! This brings an overwhelming sense of emotions over me. I couldn't ask for anything else. I almost have tears, but...I hate crying in front of people :)

Much love, much love!! always.