newbie needs advice please.


Well-Known Member
hello Ladies, I would like to start wearing box braids to help with my hair growth journey.
I have a whole lot of damaged, overprocessed, split, dry and thinning ends!
My question is this... Should I go ahead and get rid of the damage now, or will it not matter since I will be keeping it braided anyway.

I am so sick of seeing all this dry lifeless hair on my head!! I would really like to just get rid of it so that I can start fresh! But I dont know, Should I cut now or later? or do it not matter?

If I do cut it now is it something that I can do myself or should I let a beautician do it?

I just need some advice before I make this decision. help please..
If you want to cut, cut. Since you know the hair is damaged there's really no point in keeping it around, especially if you're going to wear braids anyway.

And yes, it is something you can do yourself, and probably should. Otherwise, the stylist may cut far too much.