new to board...any suggestions welcome


New Member
First I'd like to say--what an amazing place this is!!
I'm so happy to be here, and to be learning so much about what is possible with my hair and my daughter's hair.

I am open to any/all suggestions, recipies, vitamin regimes, etc.

I've been told that I've been blessed with "good hair" whatever that means. I know that between my sisters and myself I can go 3-4 wks longer than them before needing a re-touch. Looking at the hair type scale on this site I'd say my type is a cross between a 3b and 4a.

My length is currently 10-11 inches from the crown, just laying on my shoulders. I've worn my hair very short and natural, braided, and in the relaxed bob style I have now.

In May I had major surgery and prior to surgery had given myself a quick touch up. I experienced a lot of hair loss/breakage from either the relaxer or the anesthesia. It was not severe enough to require a major cut, but I have had to becareful of ponytail styles while my broken areas grow back. They are at about 2.5 inches now.

I had been hesitent to re-touch again, but have sucessfully done one with no issues. I never relax bone straight...the bit of wave is taken care of with a flat iron.

The Daily Washing thread and the L'Oreal thread have caught my inital attention. I've used L'Oreal Keritasse as a conditioner since my hair loss situation--but $35 for 4oz is spendy for me. It's a GREAT product, and I'd really recommend it for emergency or special occasions, your hair feels like silk after using it.

I'd like to try daily or 3-4x a week co-washing, but to have to wear my hair in a ponytail or up in a french roll everyday, I guess I feel like that's defeating the purpose.

all suggestions are welcome....thank you in advance!!
welcome, ready2grow! i'm sure you'll find alot of useful info here!

just curious... you said you feel like a ponytail or french roll is defeating the purpose. what purpose?

after you had surgery, did you wrap your hair up while in bed? if not, i bet some of your damage could have been caused by that. my friend had surgery also. i was SHOCKED at how much hair she lost due to the friction of her head rubbing against that cotton pillowcase. ever since then, i've been faithful to wrapping my hair at night. she also promptly got braids for the duration of her recovery.

anyway, welcome again!!
thank you adrienne0914 for the welcome!!

The purpose of doing the daily washes would be to grow my hair. Having a head full of healthy, longer hair would be great to wear it out. The ponytail process is I'm sure just a needed step towards the end result of thick healthy hair.

After my pre-surgery touch up I had my hair cornrowed for surgery which is why I'm not sure if it was the anesthesia or the braids that caused the breaking.
Welcome Ready2grow!

I know lying down a lot rubs out your hair whether it's in an updo or not if your don't wrap it up at night. Look what happens to the hair at the backs of newborn's heads. Their hair is always thinner and shorter back there (sometimes bald) until they stop bending so much time lying down.

You will get some very helpful advice here. I know I have!
Hi ready2grow...Welcome to LHCF!

Have you ever considered wearing your hair in a braid or flat twist twistout?
thank you thank you thank you everyone for the welcome's!! you guys are great!!

i'm starting daily co-washes tonight, wrapping my hair before bed and we'll see how presentable i am for work in the morning... (crossing my fingers)

spagirl--what do you mean by flat twist out??

and how well does monoi oil work??

i feel like this is going to be a whole new way of life--the way i take care of my hair.

there's so much information there some kind of product rating section? where all products mentioned or used are voted on by the members? am i making would make it a lot less confusing for newbies like me to come in and see products based on hair types and member feedback (kind of a poll type feedback) on the products. of course things will work differently for different people, but if 99% of the people have good luck with something there's a better chance i'd try that before i'd try something that only had 1% success.
just an idea, if it exists...let me know!!

Welcome, Ready2Grow! There is so much information here on this board that you won't be able to help not having long, healthy hair!

Welcome! I use to feel like what's the point of growing my hair if I always wear it back... Well after I wore it down for the first time after wearing it back day in and day out...the reaction on my face(after seeing how much it grew) and the reaction on others made it easier to continue to wear it back. I love wearing my hair back because I feel like I'm doing somthing good for my hair. The white women in my office wear their hair in a variety of pulled back styles...and no one pays them any attention. I think wearing you hair down all the time is overratedd.
It's my way of saying a two strand flat twist. It's where you feed hair into your twist that cause the twist to lay on the scalp like cornrows. After the twist has a chance to set (twist set) it's taken loose and finger comb for a wavy style (twistout). "Twistout" is a generic term for many types of twist that are taken loose for a hairstyle. I called it a flat twist twistout so not to confuse it with "twist" that hang like braids. Sorry for the confusion. I HTH (hope this helps).
thank you spagirl--i know exactly what you're talking about.

its funny how things have to be described online and they are things you've been doing your whole life!!

thank you for taking the time to explain!
Welcome readytogrow. I'm so happy to have you join us.
Make sure you check out the off topic discussion forum here too. You think you spend a lot of time online now, well this is just the beginning