New Idea


New Member
I just came up with this idea and I wanted to run it by some people and see its worth it. I was thinking how people use oil to seal moisture in there hair myself included. I wanted to find a way to keep that softness I get after I deep condition. So my idea was to do a hot oil treatment after deep conditioning to help seal the moisture in. I think it might be too greasy so I don't want to do a crazy experiment and end up with greasy hair and have to wash all over again. I came up with the idea after seeing queen helene's jojoba hot oil treatment. It is to be used after shampooing and is rinsed out with warm water. I think that since this hot oil is meant to be rinsed off that it's consistancy may be just right for this. So, Please tell me if I'm just being too creative or if this can actually work? Also, if anyone has used this hot oil treatment does it work? Thanks:) .
Well, I just joined the forum but what you are suggesting is similar to something I usually do.

I DC under the hood for about an hour every week or every other week. During the last 20 minutes I grab my fantasia pm oil spray and skeet it all over my head. I go back under for the last 20. Then I wasn it all out at once.

I like how my hair feels.
Thanks, that is a very good idea I just have a fear of it being too greasy because I tend to be heavy handed.
I've done this before. I was doing twistouts at the time so with it being curly, I really couldn't tell if my hair was weighed down or not. But, if the oil is light, it should be ok. I was thinking about using the Queen Helen one also since I'm going back to wearing twistouts.
I've used Queen Helene's Hot Oil Treatment and I really like it and I do not have that greasy feeling after using it. I generally use it after my shampoo but now that you mention it I'm going to use it after my deep conditioner this weekend. Thanks for the great idea.
After I deep condition, I rinse then take a rather large amount of oil and saturate my hair. I think because the hair is wet, it does not really end up greasy after it is dry. I don't think it would be bad to experiment with using oil after deep conditioning to help seal moisture.
Kari107 said:
I just came up with this idea and I wanted to run it by some people and see its worth it. I was thinking how people use oil to seal moisture in there hair myself included. I wanted to find a way to keep that softness I get after I deep condition. So my idea was to do a hot oil treatment after deep conditioning to help seal the moisture in. I think it might be too greasy so I don't want to do a crazy experiment and end up with greasy hair and have to wash all over again. I came up with the idea after seeing queen helene's jojoba hot oil treatment. It is to be used after shampooing and is rinsed out with warm water. I think that since this hot oil is meant to be rinsed off that it's consistancy may be just right for this. So, Please tell me if I'm just being too creative or if this can actually work? Also, if anyone has used this hot oil treatment does it work? Thanks:) .

Kari, the best thing may be just to do it and find out.....even though you may have to start again at square 1. I moisturize every morning yet find once I add the oil after allowing the Surge 14 and moisturizers to dry a while the oils look as they are just sitting on top. I have to do a gentle boar brush to smooth things out. The lighter I am with the oils the better. Try it and let us know the results.