Need Encouragement

I just recently found out my fiance of five years had been cheating on me. We just recently moved into a new house, and all of a sudden he's saying he wants to leave and start a new relationship with her. He has no remorse I feel so lonely... I just need some encouragement

Oh I am so sorry about what you are going through. If this is happening you should know by now that this isn't the right man for you. This is your 'Me" time to mend what has been torn.
awwww, ((hugs)) - I'm so sorry sweetie. I know you feel as if your world is crumbling down around you.

Believe it or not, this very same thing happened to my sister about two years ago. She found out 2 months before her wedding that her fiance had a 3 year old baby (they had been together for 6 years) and wanted to be with his baby mama. She had spent her hard earned money on the wedding and Lord, yes she was devasted. Probably how you feel right now.

I'm going to tell you the same thing I told her: there is strength in your weakness, it's okay for you to cry and feel the hurt. Take things one day at a time and I promise you, every day it will get better until one day you look back and this be one of those things that made you stronger & greater. Sometimes our plans devastate us, but God's plans sustain us.lean on him - his name is a strong tower, the righteous run there and are safe.

My sister is now dating a wonderful guy who is 10 times better than that joker who broke her heart, her life is great! The guy who left her? his life isn't so great right now, the people are looking for him to reposses his car, he can't keep a job --- you truly do reap what you sow.

I asked my sister how she got through- aside from the love & support of her family, she said she made it one day at a time & sometimes one minute at a time. She told me there were days when she didn't want to get out of the bed, but she did anyway. THe song "Bruised but not broken" by Joss Stone became her motto. She also prayed a lot, and created a playlist of songs that gave her strength & now, she tells me she's glad it happened or else she wouldn't have found her new guy.

Sorry to go on a rant, but I hope this help & do not be discouraged - trouble may endure for a night, as well as your pain - but joy does come.

((more hugs))

Take care!
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Hi MsSharee06,

I know it's easier said then done, to get up and leave, but sometimes these are the very signs that WE as women need to save us from future drama. I've been cheated on and trust me, the feeling isn't good. But coming from someone who has been cheated on, GOD did me a favor and removed me from that situation because he had someone better for me. I can honestly say I'm glad the LOSER did what he did because I'm happily married to man who loves me for me and will do anything for me. So stay in your word and ask GOD to give you strength to get through this time as it won't be easy, but with GOD on your side, it will be worth it at the end. GOD ALWAYS HAS OUR BACK REMEMBER THAT.

Stay Blessed.