Naturals--Full Hair color or Highlights


Well-Known Member
Hi there :wave:

I'm giving myself an early birthday gift and have decided to get my hair colored at an Aveda salon in my area. I can't decide if I want to get Highlights or a Full Head of color. I want something bright like auburn or copper. I like to stand out.

Full head:
Pro's--Brightness, totally different look
Con's--Black roots growing in with a full head of a different color. :perplexed

Pro's--Doesn't look so bad when they grow out
Con's--Not as bright and doesn't stand out as much, Don't want a spotted looking fro :perplexed

What do you guys think?
I love the idea of full color but highlights are less damaging...:look:

If your hair is healthy I say go for full color.:)
Highlights aren't necessarily less damaging, depending on how light a haircolor you desire.

I recently had my haircolor done and opted for heavy highlights. They give my hair an overall lighter/brighter effect, but enough of my natural hair color was left to provide for a more graceful grow-out.
It depends on how long your hair is. If it's short and you wear fros alot it might look a bit dotty or liney, so I'd go with the overall colour. I don't think it looks that bad with the roots tho, but that depends on how different you're going with the colour.

Don't forget to post pics!
Full colour - it would look cute as it grows out (like highlights) don't forget to post pix. Good luck!
I went to the Aveda salon in the UK and they are very good, I got highlights, and it looked nice, and you can always put on a temporary colour, if the colour starts to fail a bit.
Jenaee said:
Hi there :wave:

I'm giving myself an early birthday gift and have decided to get my hair colored at an Aveda salon in my area. I can't decide if I want to get Highlights or a Full Head of color. I want something bright like auburn or copper. I like to stand out.

Full head:
Pro's--Brightness, totally different look
Con's--Black roots growing in with a full head of a different color. :perplexed

Pro's--Doesn't look so bad when they grow out
Con's--Not as bright and doesn't stand out as much, Don't want a spotted looking fro :perplexed

What do you guys think?

How do you usually wear your hair? I think if your hair is healthy enough like one of the other posters said, go full color.

I had highlights done on my natural hair, and I looked like a spotted owl. :mad: I had to dye it all over black. My hair is very dark naturally and did not look good with highlights. It would have been better if I had gotten it dyed all over one color (and then MAYBE have gotten highlights on top of the lighter color for more "depth").
Thanks for you guys opinions!!

My hair is short right now. I just BC'd in April. When my hair is out, I do fro's and twist outs. I also wear alot of weaves and wigs so I'm kinda leaning toward as Balisi said "Heavy Highlights".

I'm gonna make my appointment for the middle of July so I'll post the pics then!!
Highlights done properly will not look dotty or spotty.
First, I recommend that highlights be no lighter than 2-3 shades above the natural level. All too often, I see light blond highlights on very dark hair. :nono: The next important step is to make sure that the "weave" of the highlights is not too chunky which, on shorter natural hair, tends to look spotty.
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I like how hair looks when the color grows out... but I'd probably go with the highlights. If you get them, maybe you can get chunky highlights so they look more like blocks of color when you wear your fro. I get what you're saying about the spotted fro.