Naturals and Transitioners: Have you experienced this?


People not seeing a transitioners progress as equal to someone who has BC'd... I'm currently 15 months post and a few people that I have shown other people's great progress (from BC to different stages of their natural hair journey) have been pretty unamimous in there feelings towards BC and transitioning. I've show them progress that is openly documented through fotki and more often than not they don't seem to understand that that 12 months of growth is 12 months of growth whether the person transitioned and cut or shaved their head. When I show them someone who has transitioned for a 10 months to a year I get of course they have that much hair they wern't bald( as in a low cut/shave). I don't know where they think the hair comes from on anyone who has transitioned.:ohwell:

Any person I show them that did a BC to a low cut/ shaved head) always get a unanimous that they got good growth in whatever time frame it may have been, but a transitioner who cut in the same time frame gets the of course they have hair they didnt cut bald. I can understand the shock value of the no hair to a years worth of growth docmented through pics, but the all say the same thing and I don't understand it. I try to explain to them but they don't understand me either. Anyone else getting this or has experience this in the past?
I've heard this so many times too! I don't get why the growth rate should be different BUT some people are 150% certain you will see more growth if you BC than if you transition.

Someone said she wished she had BC'd earlier because her hair would have grown more... Someone else - a friend of mine said to me that I should BC early cos my hair growth rate will be slower if I kept my relaxed ends... how?

I think growth is more obvious when you don't have relaxed ends covering your natural hair... that seems to be the only logical explanation.

Personally, I don't believe it... It hasn't been explained to me clearly enough but I'm open to being proved wrong.
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I agree
An inch of growth from near-baldness is always going to seem more remarkable than an inch of growth on the head of somebody who is transitioning.
However I would say the growth rate would be exactly the same no matter your starting point
I've done both several times and the only difference I've notices is in styling options. I was able to do more with my hair while trans'g than with the B/C.

I guess it's a matter of personal preference.
I guess seeing a transitioner go from long (natural w/relaxed ends) to shorter (just natural hair) in just not as profound as watching someone BC and go from a really short twa to much longer. I don't think its anymore than just people's mental process of a high to a low vs. a low to a high, but if it is more to it I would love to know since I am also transitioning.
I agree with all the responses, I'm sure its just the visual, but no amount of explaining or pics changes their mind..
In a sense it does seem like hair grows faster with those who bc. I've seen some threads/fotkis from those who have BC'd and a year later their growth just seems amazing. It could be because of fresh cut end. I have been transitioning for 15 months and I think my hair has grown about the same as those who would have bc'd. So I think my growth is comparable. Don't worry about others thoughts though, because I'm sure you have ALOT of new growth. It may just be hard for others to see it now.