Naturally Flexible Support Thread

So today makes a full week since my press and I'm sick of wearing my hair down. Decided to rock a high doughnut bun with bangs even though my bangs are grown out. lol
Plan to rock buns a few more days, then maybe do a french braid after.
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I am becoming more and more naturally flexible the longer I stay natural and I love the versatility. This is a great thread OP. Congrats also to those who have decided to transition. I did it for 13 mths and learned a lot about my hair during that time.
today i did a two step treatment. noticed my hair was shedding a bit more than usual......

- one hour with (Hairveda) Methi Sativa step one protein (my hair LOVES this protein...felt like SILK!!!)
- 30 minutes with Step two moisture
- co wash with Hairveda Moisture 24/7

air dried in a ponytail.

Shedding stopped immediately.
I don't know scalp always act up when I wear twist.

is it your products maybe ? or possibly your scalp doesn't like the manipulation?

my scalp hates braids and twists....for me it's the exposure to the scalp likes to be covered with hair.
So today makes a full week since my press and I'm sick of wearing my hair down. Decided to rock a high doughnut bun with bangs even though my bangs are grown out. lol
Plan to rock buns a few more days, then maybe do a french braid after.

I love your hair! Love that you wear it straight and curly! My flat ironing game leaves much to be desired, but when I'm fully natural I always saw myself getting my hair straightened like once a month, especially during the colder months.
I love your hair! Love that you wear it straight and curly! My flat ironing game leaves much to be desired, but when I'm fully natural I always saw myself getting my hair straightened like once a month, especially during the colder months.

Awwww thank you Lady.
I know what you mean, I have zero skills when it comes to straightening my own hair, but I can do a mean roller set! lol
is it your products maybe ? or possibly your scalp doesn't like the manipulation?

my scalp hates braids and twists....for me it's the exposure to the scalp likes to be covered with hair.

Hmm...Maybe my scalp doesn't like being exposed to the air. Even when I wore my hair in a corn rowed updo it did the same thing. My hair is normally pulled back in a bun.
EnExitStageLeft: congrats!!! I love MBL. I think that might be my favorite length :)
I can't wait to straighten on Friday. Been cowashing and bunning, making sure my hair is in the most moisturized condition for the heat.
EnExitStageLeft, that hair needs to be in a "swang" video...taps foot. I've been waiting patiently. :look: Do you at least swang it back in forth for date night/church...something? I feel some type of way about you stringing me out for the hair porn in bits in pieces. Make the DARN SWANG VIDEO! :lachen: Yes, I'm yelling! Your hair has so much body just in pix, I can only imagine it in a "swang" that thang hair porn video.:lick:

Congratulations on MBL! Healthy and :gorgeous: Stick to your recipe for success, because your hair is beautiful!

I'll make the swang video when I get the link to your upcoming blog. Yep.....I WENT THERE! SO DO IT ALREADY :fishslap! Thanks for the sweet words though :bighug:. Lets hope it looks half as good as yours once I'm fully natural.
I'm sorry, Girl. Sometimes I think natural hair should have a section in the card store.

"Thinking of you on your bad hair day"

"Happy 'humidity sucks' day"

"Deepest sympathy for the loss of your chunk of hair at the hand of that detangling incident"

"Sorry your favorite product was discontinued/changed formula"

"You're my soulmate. Love Always, your favorite Wide tooth comb"

Ahhhhh natural hair is indeed a journey full of ups and downs and spins around. ;)

Ok now those are funny & that can make money! You shld get in touch with American greetings!
I did a henna/indigo treatment last night. I am loving my hair this morning. I mixed it with Amla and Shikaki. I may start adding other powders in the future. I was never a product junkie but I think I my become a powder and herb junkie. So much fun, the results are amazing and the costs are a lot less.

Sorry about that wrong forum.

By the way, I straightened my hair last weekend. I think it was too safe. It was no where near silky straight but I got an idea of the length and thickness of my hair. I had quite a bit of growth in one year and it was thick. I keep forgetting how deceptive shrinkage can be.
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My hair is dry. Will overnight dc's help

I am not a fan of overnight conditioning because it makes my hair mushy, but for me an overnight oil treatment with a baggy might do the trick.

Also check out Chicoro's Moisture Drenched prepoo. There's a thread in here somewhere. Try that treatment for a few hours with each shampoo for awhile.

Another option is using your rinse out conditioner as a leave in.