My Scalp Psoriasis...


Well-Known Member
Has come back. I haven't had an outbreak on my scalp in a couple of years but my first bout with it started about 12 years ago. I never had psoriasis before so I didn't know what was going on when my scalp suddenly felt dry and tight. What I took to be dandruff (which I didn't have before) were actually scales of skin that were beginning to build up. I look like I had a severe case of dandruff.

Because the scales were continually building up I thought I must have some sort of fungal infection so I went to the doctor (note not dermatologist) to see if I could get some medication to cure it. Well one of the problems with this disorder is that it can look like a fungal infection without further diagnosis. The intern/resident that I saw before the doctor arrived didn't know what to make of my condition. Finally when I did see the doctor she told me that I had a fungus growing in my scalp and I was prescribed Ketoconazole, which is a corticalsteroid, and nizoral shampoo.

Shortly after starting my medication Istarted to breakout in these small to medium sized red welts that formed up and down my arms, legs and abdomen. Then I had a red rash in certain areas like my breasts and armpits. It itched ao badly and it smelled horrible. I was really upset that the medication did nothing to help me but made everything worse. The scales on my scalp got thicker, like and inch thick, and it started to make my scalp feel tight. On night the crust tore my scalp open and it started bleeding. Eventually my scalp became infected and would not only bleed but would be pusy as well.

I was so miserable because I didn't know what was going on or how to handle it. I had developed a sore on my lip. My mother told me that it was a fever blister and that I must have a fever. She took me to the hospital and the doctor there told me that I had an infection in my scalp. He was the doctor that told me that I had what looked like psoriais. He put me on intervenous antibiotics and suggest that I see a dermatologist but to be careful because the wait for an appointment can be a long one.
I did a search for dermatologist in my area and found a dermatology clinic that accepted my insurance. They told me that they were not scheduling appointments until October and it was July when I first called them. So I had a three month wait until I could see a doctor. The crust on my scalp was still causing problems. My hair was falling out in clumps. By the time I arrived for my appointment I was completely bald headed . The crust had move down from my scalp and was now on my forehead. It had also spread to my ears causing them to twist from the tightness of the dry scales. I was so desperate to have relief that I had for a number of months been taking a anti fungal medication intended for nail fungus. This was back when I thought that I had a fungal infection. I was able to get this medication from a friend who worked at a pharmacy.

The meds took a long while to work. As they did my mother was able to pick the sales off as they loosened up. This is what had caused my baldness. The hair I had growing out of the crust came off as the crust was removed since the crust had grown around the hairs.

When I finally saw the doctor the crust on my scalp was gone but I had no hair. There were a few flakes left but no hair. I was given an prescription ointment for my body and a foam topical treatment for my scalp. The medicine worked pretty good and my symptoms subsided. It took a whole year for my hair to grow back. My whole ordeal began in the spring of 2003 and lasted all the way through to the fall of 2004. My hair didn't start growing back until 2005. By '06 had a full head of hair again.
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Thanks. Well all of this brings me to today. I recently discovered scaling on my scalp a couple of places. Naturally I freaked out. Since I have gotten my psoriasis under control I stopped seeing my dermatologist. I called to make an appointment and because I have not seem him in such a long time (around 3 years) I am no longer in the system at his office. He also doesn't take my insurance so I'm off to find another dermatologist.

I did call a place near me that has a dermatology clinic but they have a 6 month back log on scheduling appointments for new patients. *sigh* So now I have to keep the scaling under control until then.
You can get the over the counter version of the Nizoral to keep it in check until you can get in to the Derm.

Not sure if the Purification Hair Masque will alleviate that?
do you remember what was prescribed? i could get my seborrhea recommended medication from the family doctor. i just had to know what to tell them to order. after this you have to have a 6 month appointment or so when everything gets back to normal. where is the pharmacy where you got the prescriptions filled at? perhaps they still have a record of the medication that was used. after this, keep a copy of your medication used in a reliable place. perhaps your bible or the like. it is a book you will be able to keep up with knowing where it is.
Yes. I remember one of the medications was called Protopic. The other was a topical scalp foam but I don't remember the name. That was not filled by the pharmacy but was given to me as a sample to try.
Well my health insurance is through medicaid. I checked my providers website for the list of dermatologist they had that accepted their plan and most of them don't anymore. I got lucky with the clinic that I'm familiar with. I can't afford to see one and pay out of pocket.
I have seen reviews of P and S liquid on Youtube. It can be obtained at pharmacies and bought online. The liquid is recommended, NOT the shampoo.
Ive used several different RXs for my dermatitis, and the only thing that works is selsun blue. I use the moisturizing formula.

I can literally get away with using it once a month now. Its worked miracles.
Sorry you went through that nightmare.

Well your regular family doc can refill your prescriptions. Make an appt. Tell him what you were on and give all the dermatology info (dr name, number, address) so they can verify if they need to. Ive had to do this a number of times for emergency appt.
Research anti inflammation foods, oils, and vitamins. Please be mindful if you choose to take immune suppressants.