My mother is convinced she has type 4c hair.


New Member
My mother has been natural for 3 years and her hair is APL when stretched and neck length unstretched, despite her thyroid condition. She had been on a wig regimen for that entire 3 years and wants to wear her hair out natural.

I believe she has been watching regimens for the wrong type hair (I think she has 3c at least) but she is convinced she has type 4c.

Her hair photos are below, she shampoo and conditions once or twice a week I believe and uses EVOO, she has fine thin hair and has had NO HEAT for the entire three years she has been natural.
This is her hair washed conditioned and with eco styler.

Sorry for the separate photos, I took the photos on my phone and have to do them seperate,


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She's definitely not a 4c. I think 3c/4a. She has the curl and definition of type 3c, but the undefined frizziness of 4a at the root.
Whatever she's doing is certainly working, but I wouldn't call that 4C or 4 anything.
Why does you mama think she's a 4c?

On youtube, I've seen some people describe their hair as being 4b or 4c because it's thick, wiry, and they find it difficult :ohwell: . Or if they don't have Shirley Temple curls or Chili's waves :look:. There are hair types in between 3a and 4c, ya know :lol:.
Thanks all, she wanted to know because she thought her hair was really kinky and unmanageable and was looking at videos of people with regimens that didnt fit her and is trying to "extend her curl" when I honestly don't think she needs it, her curl pattern is fine and I want her to look up information for her hair type and not mess up her hair because she is trying to "loosen" her curl pattern because she thinks its too tight. I think her hair is fine and all in all it doesn't matter in the long run...but to her it does.
Let her think she has 4C hair. Tell her it's super baby fine too! :lol:

Alright I kid, but she won't go wrong following 4C reggies or techniques. I treat my hair as if it were both fine and very tightly curled, one cannot go wrong with the care and patience that comes with.

I don't think 4C ladies are trying to "extend" curls but maybe define them? If so, any curly can benefit from that.
Let her think she has 4C hair. Tell her it's super baby fine too! :lol:

Alright I kid, but she won't go wrong following 4C reggies or techniques. I treat my hair as if it were both fine and very tightly curled, one cannot go wrong with the care and patience that comes with.

I don't think 4C ladies are trying to "extend" curls but maybe define them? If so, any curly can benefit from that.
ALL of THIS!!!!