Multi for fast hair growth? Vits & Minerals vs. AA


New Member
Has anyone recieved 3/4 to a inch a month with just a good multi alone? Also does any of you vitamins gurus know is it aminos which make hair grow faster or certain vitamins and minerals? Im trying to figure out the secret behind Hf37 although im not seeing the dramatic results i would like to see on HF37.
Lets not all reply at once folks
wait till night time lol....oh and im on a multi. I dont think I get 3/4 or more on them. These are the only vits i take besides fish oil. I dont take vitamins for hair growth purposes.
I was taking Biotin and reg. multivitamins forever, maybe getting 1/2 inch per month.....but then I read the thread on carrot juice and flaxseed oil. Now something is finally starting to happen
I don't know exactly how much more but it's definitely growing in faster.
Biotin: thickens the hair strands.
Choline Bitarate: keeps the hair root moist.
Copper;prolongs your original hair color.
Folic Acid; for cell renewal to grow hair.
Inositol: reduces hair falling from the root.
Iodine: regulates the thyroid hormone for hair growth.
Iron: helps reduce balding-Hair falling from the root.
Manganese: produces growth of the hair and nails.
Niacin: produces blood flow to the follicle to produce hair growth.
Pantothenic Acid: produces hair growth and stimulation of new growth.
Para-Amonobenzoic Acid: prevents hair loss and protects follicles.
Riboflavin: prevents dandruff and helps with the absorption of iron.
Thiamine: prevents hair loss.
Vitamin A: keeps moisture in your hair strands so you'll have less chance of breakage.
Vitamin B-12: stimulates hair growth.
Zinc: produces hair growth.
For me, I have to take more than just a multi to get even a 1/2 inch per month. Some people don't even need to take vitamins (like my best friend) to get a solid inch per month.

I stopped taking my protein shake to see if I can eventually get up to an inch a month without the extra amino acids. You can look in my signature to see what I'm taking. I've also added Vitamin E and Calcium to my regimen. Hopefully, in the next month or so I will see a dramatic increase in my growth rate. I am hoping for an inch a month.

I think the secret to HF37 working for a lot of people is the amino acids though.

When did you start taking HF37?
I have been taking HF37 coming up on the end of two months now, and have seen good results, although I haven't been measuring my hair. I've taken HF37 on and off for a couple of years now, but never consistently. Always skipping days etc etc, but this time I have taken them religiously for two months in conjuction with conditioning washes which has helped quite a bit.
Before when I was taking them, I would skip days, and since I live in an extremely dry climate, any growth I had would break off. I started noticing results maybe four weeks after I started. I've just ordered another two months and I am thinking about trying a multi vitamin with it as well as increasing my protein in my, chicken. Also exercising.
I mean because if amino is all you need whats the point of HF37's program? I mean my doctor gave my girlfriend a woman's multi and he said all you need are vitamins and minerals and to eat alot of protein. I stopped biotin because it broke me out. But he has me on some minerals for hair growth. I dont which is more important for fast hair growth