MSM reactions


New Member
Ive been taking MSM for about 2 weeks now and Ive seen good results.

BUT :mad:

Ive been experiencing breakouts for the last week or so. MY skin is usually clear and pimple FREE but I now have these pimples, no not the white heads that you can just bust (Ewww I know) but the one that is way under your skin and HURTS...feels like a lump. Ive tried witch hazel, CLean and Clear benzoil peroxide and nothing is working.

Has anyone had a similar experience? If so what did you do or what would you recommend?
Annakei said:
Ive been taking MSM for about 2 weeks now and Ive seen good results.

BUT :mad:

Ive been experiencing breakouts for the last week or so. MY skin is usually clear and pimple FREE but I now have these pimples, no not the white heads that you can just bust (Ewww I know) but the one that is way under your skin and HURTS...feels like a lump. Ive tried witch hazel, CLean and Clear benzoil peroxide and nothing is working.

Has anyone had a similar experience? If so what did you do or what would you recommend?

I had the same experience when I first started MSM. What helped me was drinking lots of water. If you drink water now just add some extra and soon your body will adjust to the MSM.hth :)
I'll try that because I drink o water right now. But I'll be starting Krav classes this week so I'll need to up my intake. Im headed to Origins to day to get their Out of Trouble Mask which always works along with a scrub.

Keeo the suggestions coming ladies!
I use to take MSM years ago. What's happening is that "flushing effect". Your skin is being flushed of toxins etc. Sorry for the analogy but as I heard a dermatologist say, your skin is defecating. Leave them alone and continue the flush like you're doing with water.
How much are you taking? It might help if you start with slightly lower doses and then gradually work your way up.
I experienced the very same thing. I had to cut back on my vitamins and increase my water intake.:sigh: I'll do anything for long hair! :lol:
Right now I am taking half a teaspoon as recommended. What I may do is use 1/4 teaspoon and continue taking the GNC Nourish Hair which has 500mg. Im also looking for topical treatments to treat the pimples ....suggestions?
pmichael52172 said:
I use to take MSM years ago. What's happening is that "flushing effect". Your skin is being flushed of toxins etc. Sorry for the analogy but as I heard a dermatologist say, your skin is defecating. Leave them alone and continue the flush like you're doing with water.

I think I did read just yesterday that not only is MSM good for the nervous system but it also serves to move out toxins. That may be why you are having the reaction.
I probably need to drink more water because I got a rash from taking this but loved the way my hair felt.
Annakei said:
Ive been taking MSM for about 2 weeks now and Ive seen good results.

BUT :mad:

Ive been experiencing breakouts for the last week or so. MY skin is usually clear and pimple FREE but I now have these pimples, no not the white heads that you can just bust (Ewww I know) but the one that is way under your skin and HURTS...feels like a lump. Ive tried witch hazel, CLean and Clear benzoil peroxide and nothing is working.

Has anyone had a similar experience? If so what did you do or what would you recommend?

I had the same experience. I stopped taking it and it took months for me to get my skin cleared up again. I don't plan on ever taking msm again. Pretty skin is just as important to me as pretty hair. Good luck to you though, hope it works out with drinking more water and taking a smaller dose.
Annakei said:
Right now I am taking half a teaspoon as recommended. What I may do is use 1/4 teaspoon and continue taking the GNC Nourish Hair which has 500mg. Im also looking for topical treatments to treat the pimples ....suggestions?

I had the same reactions with MSM, so I stopped using it. Have you tried tea tree oil for your skin?
I actually lowered my daily intake to 500mg which I get from GNC's Ultra Nourish Hair. Then up my water intake and then start mixing the powder into my shake again.

I went to MAC yesterday and got a foundation that covers well and looks really natural. Also went to Origins and got their Out of Trouble Mask. It worked WONDERS for my skin yesterday because the large pimple that was there before is now decreasing in size and I am not as oily.

So we'll see. By August I'll be back on MSM as I was when I started...

Dion said:
I had the same reactions with MSM, so I stopped using it. Have you tried tea tree oil for your skin?