MSM changes hair type?


New Member
ive read through some posts on this forum and others that MSM changes the hair type/texture? if this is true then how did it change it?
I tried MSM for two months taking 2,000mg every day and it did absolutely nothing for my hair. I did'nt even see any extra hair growth during those months so I stopped. Why take something if your not benefiting from it, you know? So I don't know if that statement about changing your hair texture is true or not, maybe somebody else knows.


"Don't talk about it, be about it!"

Next relaxer touchup: September 5th, 2005
Current style: box braids for 4 weeks.
Last style: cornrows (no extensions) Lasted 2 weeks!!
Hair goal for 2005: 5 inches past brastrap by December.
It cannot change your hair type it just softens or slightly loosens the hair texture growing out from your scalp, the main reason people take is is to reduce shedding, strengthen and grow hair faster, results are different for everyone, some people have had the opposite side effect and the hair becomes coarser. It really does depend on the how long you take it for, the amount and brand. i take 10,000mg Lignisual MSM one of the highest quality and i have noticed that my hair is growing in softer and isn't as coily its just a side effect of MSM, not everyone has this effect.
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I've just started taking MSM again and will be taking 10 grams daily until the end of the year. i'll have to report back on any texture changes.
ThickLongHair2008 said:
"iS IT PERMANENT? Or will it revert if you stop?
When you stop using msm the hair texture growing from beneath the scalp will revert to normal, prior to using MSM.
asphyxxia said:
I've just started taking MSM again and will be taking 10 grams daily until the end of the year. i'll have to report back on any texture changes.
i'm experiementing too, and its going well so far.