Bug Mention problem


Well-Known Member
I keep getting the notice showing that I have been mentioned in a thread, but when I look all I see are old mentions from over a month ago.
Is anyone else having this problem? There's really no way to know what thread I was mentioned so that I can respond without this feature working (no easy way anyhow...I'm not planning to look through EVERY thread in which I've made a comment recently).

TIA for helping with this.
I've got the same problem.
Sometimes I see that someone has mentioned me but I don't get any notifications.
Then today I get two notifications and I can't find them.
I've been having the same problem for a few months now. Thanks for raising this issue OP

Sent from my DROID3 using DROID3
Yep, I get the new mentions notification but its only showing old mentions. Been having this problem for over a month

Sent from my M860 using M860
I just submitted a ticket reporting the problem. Hopefully they will resolve soon. I asked that they let me know once the problem has been fixed and included the link to this thread.