Mega-Tek... how often is TOO often?


New Member
I recently started using Mega-Tek (in December, although my siggy says Jan. 1 lol). I've been applying it to my scalp every night and my hair is gladly absorbing it. Over the past three days, I applied it nightly and only rinsed on the third day. My hair feels so clean, as if I had just clarified it. I actually haven't shampooed in a week though.

Is it bad to use Mega-Tek this often? I am not diluting it with anything. I always thought too much protein was bad, but my hair seems to like the Mega-Tek. I'm just worried that one day I'll wake up and all my hair will have fallen out in giant clumps or something... just being paranoid!

Any thoughts?
I used it on my scalp daily (before I switched to OCT earlier this week) and I didn't have a problem. I just keep up with my conditioning treatments and keep my hair in protective styles. I will not use it as often once I reach my hair goals.
I use Mega Tek daily mixed with natural oils. I tend to be heavy handed so I recently decided to apply MT every other day. I've started shampooing 2x a week due to build up. I haven't seen any adverse effects plus I bumped up my moisturizing. If you're concerned about too much protein, why not add a few drops of your moisturizer with a small amount of MT to test it out?
For awhile, I used MegaTek (almost) every night and baggied. I didn't amend it with any oils and I did a co-wash every morning...following up with aloe vera Gel and castor oil.

Lately, I've been lazy with nightly protein treatments but while I was doing them, I never had a problem. Need to get back on the MT bandwagon!