Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2015/2016

I trimmed/ dusted my ends on Monday and followed with a shampoo (needed after Berlin J'ouvert), protein and moisture DC on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I clay washed. My hair feels quite volumous today even though it's not fully dry.
Aww, I'm sorry sweetie but have you tried plaiting your hair up and wearing wigs @faithVA? That's what's working very well for me:yep:.
No. I'm just going to have to tough it out. I don't really like wigs. I've done almost every type of protective style: wigs, twist with extensions, braids with extensions, weaves. I just can't seem to make myself do them again. I will tough it out until the fall and then see about getting box braids on my hair. I'm still retaining some so hopefully it will be enough.
I'm currently rocking a weave (my very first.) I go to the salon every two weeks to get my weave and leave out washed and conditioned. This is all new to me, considering in the past I would go years without going to the salon. Before my install, I made sure my ends were trimmed to perfection.

With that being said, I am concerned about my leave out. I use heat once a week.
No. I'm just going to have to tough it out. I don't really like wigs. I've done almost every type of protective style: wigs, twist with extensions, braids with extensions, weaves. I just can't seem to make myself do them again. I will tough it out until the fall and then see about getting box braids on my hair. I'm still retaining some so hopefully it will be enough.
Okay love. You know your hair better than anyone and I respect that.
My ends were breaking a bit and felt dry so I cowashed my ends with Therapiste conditioner. I'm letting it sit for 15 minutes then I'll rinse it with cool water and seal with evoo.
I can't keep going so long between washes. My ends were not happy this week. I had a lot of breakage because I let my hair airdry without products and then attempted to detangle:spank:

I redid my celies tonight after I spritzed each section with water. Then I added Mane n tail to my ends. I will wash again in 2 weeks right in time for my trim and Summer length check.
Still clipping splits. I need to check my notebook and see when my next dusting is due.

Tonight I used TGIN leave-in, used Keraveda Organix butter on my ends and then twisted up.
Ends feel good. Just got to stay consistent with my trims and moisturizing. I need some more of my trusty Giovanni serum but I think I want to try something a bit heavier for some reason.
Washed my hair on Sunday and layered my ends with shea butter before my gel.

The recent warm spell had me wet my hair again last night. Feels good.
I just steamed my hair with the African Pride anti breakage moisturiser as my ends were dry and then I sealed with a jbco mix , even though I washed my hair today , but we had a massive flood in england, so my hair was not at its best.
I did a whole head baggy today after I massaged my scalp with aloe and peppermint oil. I was going to wash my hair today, but I'll wait until next Wednesday. It has only been a week anyway
I gave myself about a 2 inch trim yesterday. Even though I don't think single strand knots hinder my length retention, it was much easier to detangle my hair with fresh ends.

Contemplating two inch trims twice year. If I grow and retain 6 inches a year that means I'll keep two inches total. I'm not really growing my hair out anymore, but it does feel shorter after my trim.
I cowashed Monday with Dark and lovely moisture rich conditioner.

Today I'll do a Manic panic rinse Infra Red on dry hair for a couple hours. Then I'll shampoo it out and dc with Chroma Captive mask. I have to straighten and trim tonight as well.
This week while wearing my hair in a bun and cowashing every morning, I noticed that I had a few SSKs tha I am not happy with. So I'll be plaiting it up again today in preparation for my wigs. I did do a S&D and now I have to heavily moisturize my ends and seal with heavy butters every day to control those little pesky annoyances.
I cowashed my hair this morning with Aussie Moist Conditioner before heading out to church.

After church I moisturized my hair with Oyin Hair Dew, sealed my ends with a combination of ceramide butters, massaged some hairdrenalin potion on my scalp and inverted for 5 minutes. Now my hair is nice and super soft.
Tonight I used some CRN Aloe Whipped Butter Gel on my ends sealed with some ceramide oils and natural butter combo.
Combed my hair the other day for the first time in maybe 6 months. I was tempted to trim for even-ness (I know) but my ends didn't need it so I held off. That can wait for when I eventually straighten.
I cowashed my hair, moisturized and sealed my ends again this morning. I have a lot of products to use up so I have to up my hair game to do so.
LCO'd with L = Cream & Coco 1000 Flowers & Aphogee Curlific; C = Cozy Moments Banana Coconut; O = Mielle Organics Mint Almond on scalp & Keravada Raspberry Vanilla on length.