Locs of Luv, a question for you


New Member
Hey girl :) I know you mentioned that your breakage may be due to rough detangling. Would you mind specifying how you were detangling it at the time? The reason I ask is because It takes me about 3 days to get my hair completely straight airdrying.

Unfortuneately I shed a little bit, about 18 -23 hairs per evening (yes I counted :dork::brainy:, wanted to make sure I wasn't doing too much damage). Because I carefully comb out my tangles (agonizingly slowly) and smooth it down. I don't loose too much more than that and have not seen broken hairs all over the place like I used to.

Did you remember any weird shedding or did it just kind of sneak up on you?
Hey girl! :wave:

You sound like you are doing the right thing by going slow and smooth. That is what I am doing now.

But to answer your question, I never experienced any out of the ordinary shedding. I wash and detangle only once a week, and it DID look like a lot don't get me wrong, but it is normal for me because 1. my hair was pretty long and 2 it was just built up sheddage from throughout the week. So I didn't worry about it. I take care of myself pretty well internally so, I knew if is was shedding not breakage, it was seasonal (which I do have problems with shedding from changes of the seasons).

Now I can't blame everything on ruff detangling because I think the baggie and bun I was doing created a small portion of the problem along with my weakened nape. BUT I do think ruff detangling was the meat of the problem. Anyways, when I would detangle, I would get frustrated and LITERALLY just start pulling the comb through my hair. I would hear the tears and everything. But I would just be so mad at my hair and all the different textures and it was my way of socking it to it lol. There were times ( I can't believe I am about to admit this) that I would try and run the comb throo my head and a knot would stop it and I would stop and literally cry:( , sitting right there. Imagine that, a 23 year old woman on the floor crying with a wet head and a comb stuck in it. :lachen: Then I would become angry and that's when hell would break loose.:(

I was frustrated because I use to flat iron my hair every week and I NEVER had to deal with tangles and knots before and they are very very frustrating for me. Not to mention I do not handle frustration and stress well AT ALL.:perplexed

So like I am saying, you sound like you are doing the right thing by going slow and smooth. Just take your time and be patient. Another thing I noticed is that when I wait late at night to do my hair I am usually more tired and have less patience. So now I do my hair earlier in the day or I take a good nap before I do it.

But my steps are pretty much the same as far as detangling except I do my main detangling while rinsing out my shampoo (creme of nature red OR green label).
  • I use the jilbere comb to rinse it out, run it throo a few times and then switch to my Goody comb (pic in fotki).
  • Then once I DC I rinse the conditioner out and comb again with my Jilbere.
  • Then once I am out of the shower, I add my leave-ins and I comb AGAIN with the jilbere, then finger part my hair in very little sections (about .5 inches thing,a nd 3 inches wide) and detangle little by little to make sure I got all the small knots out.
I know it seems like a lot of combing but 1. I am VERY gentle now, and 2. I only comb once a week and I want to make sure all tangles are out because I have had dreads and matts before and those are NOT fun.:mad:

Okay so I just wrote you a whole biography but I hope it helps you. Anymore questions PLEASE feel free to ask me. I am more than happy to help others learn from my mistakes. I am pissed at myself for wasting a whole year of my social life for dumb ass mistakes like this...:mad: Oh yeah, back to the topic.:look: You will do fine girl as long as you are patient with your hair.:)
have any of you tried a dominican rinse? i tried the nacidit olive oil rinse and it got rid of my tangles immediately.
locabouthair said:
have any of you tried a dominican rinse? i tried the nacidit olive oil rinse and it got rid of my tangles immediately.

That stuff is the truth. It immediately detangles. Love it and use it at every wash.
locabouthair said:
have any of you tried a dominican rinse? i tried the nacidit olive oil rinse and it got rid of my tangles immediately.

No I haven't tried that yet but I have heard of it! I want to try it too, but I have so much stuff that I need to use up or sell first.:ohwell:
Thanks Locs.

Yeah detangling is a pain. I do the scarf methods on four different sides of my head for 3 days to get it all flat. Its the only way I can airdry smooth. It looks as if it was pressed or as if I used a blow dryer. I will try to post pictures this week.

@ Loca

I haven't tried the nacidit olive rinse. I may look into that. Thank you!
LocksOfLuV said:
Hey girl! :wave:

Now I can't blame everything on ruff detangling because I think the baggie and bun I was doing created a small portion of the problem along with my weakened nape. BUT I do think ruff detangling was the meat of the problem. Anyways, when I would detangle, I would get frustrated and LITERALLY just start pulling the comb through my hair. I would hear the tears and everything. But I would just be so mad at my hair and all the different textures and it was my way of socking it to it lol. There were times ( I can't believe I am about to admit this) that I would try and run the comb throo my head and a knot would stop it and I would stop and literally cry:( , sitting right there. Imagine that, a 23 year old woman on the floor crying with a wet head and a comb stuck in it. :lachen: Then I would become angry and that's when hell would break loose.:(

Lol, you'll live. But I do agree, I have had "rip through hair" moments. But after all these years of treating my hair poorly, I have to learn to be patient now because I FINALLY know how to care for it.
LocsofLuv you arent the only one crying over your hair and I have 2 years on you girl:p Everytime I do my hair hair I get frustrated and shed a few tears because Im 4mos post and my 4b hair is so thick and unmanageable I cant stand it. But Aveda has done wonders for my hair so its not as bad as it was last time I stretched to 4mos. So I think 6 wont be hard. I think a good conditioner, comb and patience is the key to getting thru those tangles. I hate them but now instead of a bunch of hair in hands when Im sorting thru a knot:D its just the one that is causing the knot. Take your time:)
bablou00 said:
LocsofLuv you arent the only one crying over your hair and I have 2 years on you girl:p Everytime I do my hair hair I get frustrated and shed a few tears because Im 4mos post and my 4b hair is so thick and unmanageable I cant stand it. But Aveda has done wonders for my hair so its not as bad as it was last time I stretched to 4mos. So I think 6 wont be hard. I think a good conditioner, comb and patience is the key to getting thru those tangles. I hate them but now instead of a bunch of hair in hands when Im sorting thru a knot:D its just the one that is causing the knot. Take your time:)

Just wanted to say, LOVE the curls! Your hair looks great. *sigh* I'll just keep up with the slow detangling if it saves my hair.