I shed 205 hairs today...


New Member
...and that's not including any that might have escaped down the plughole without me noticing.

As it's apparently normal to lose 50-100 a day, I'm a bit worried.

I've been noticing a lot of shedding lately, it seemed like too much so I decided to count them in the shower today.
I CO-washed, and any tangles just glided out, so I didn't pull any hairs out due to detangling.
The hairs were definitely shed, not broken hairs (I had about 10 broken hairs).
It was definitely only 1 day's worth of shedding as I CO-washed yesterday.

I don't know if it's my imagination but my hair feels so much thinner lately :(

I'm just a bit dissapointed really. You can look after your hair so it doesn't break or split, but when a folicle is going to shed, it'll shed.

I remember reading on a site something having a 'big shed' at certain ages. I can't find the link anywhere though. Does anyone have this?

Also, if anyone has any links regarding seasonal shedding could they post those too?

I'm not sure if I believe in these, but want to check them out.


Well-Known Member
RainbowCurls said:
...and that's not including any that might have escaped down the plughole without me noticing.

As it's apparently normal to lose 50-100 a day, I'm a bit worried.

I've been noticing a lot of shedding lately, it seemed like too much so I decided to count them in the shower today.
I CO-washed, and any tangles just glided out, so I didn't pull any hairs out due to detangling.
The hairs were definitely shed, not broken hairs (I had about 10 broken hairs).
It was definitely only 1 day's worth of shedding as I CO-washed yesterday.

I don't know if it's my imagination but my hair feels so much thinner lately :(

I'm just a bit dissapointed really. You can look after your hair so it doesn't break or split, but when a folicle is going to shed, it'll shed.

I remember reading on a site something having a 'big shed' at certain ages. I can't find the link anywhere though. Does anyone have this?

Also, if anyone has any links regarding seasonal shedding could they post those too?

I'm not sure if I believe in these, but want to check them out.

It could be the color in your hair. Do you use permanent dye? I have a shedding problem too. I exploring the theory that it could be certain products that I use that is causing it. There was a post about that. I hope you find the answers you're looking for.
RainbowCurls said:
...and that's not including any that might have escaped down the plughole without me noticing.

As it's apparently normal to lose 50-100 a day, I'm a bit worried.

I've been noticing a lot of shedding lately, it seemed like too much so I decided to count them in the shower today.
I CO-washed, and any tangles just glided out, so I didn't pull any hairs out due to detangling.
The hairs were definitely shed, not broken hairs (I had about 10 broken hairs).
It was definitely only 1 day's worth of shedding as I CO-washed yesterday.

I don't know if it's my imagination but my hair feels so much thinner lately :(

I'm just a bit dissapointed really. You can look after your hair so it doesn't break or split, but when a folicle is going to shed, it'll shed.

I remember reading on a site something having a 'big shed' at certain ages. I can't find the link anywhere though. Does anyone have this?

Also, if anyone has any links regarding seasonal shedding could they post those too?

I'm not sure if I believe in these, but want to check them out.

I started using Queen Helene Cholesterol as a curly styling cream (letting it dry on my hair). This has cut way, way down on my shedding.


New Member
are you sure you are removing all of the shedded hairs daily? after a few swipes of my wide toothed comb it seems as if all the hair is out...But its not so it will accumulate and made it seem like I was losing tons of hair the next day and there afterwards. It wasnt until I used my denman after I detangled my hair with my wide tooth comb to realize that I needed more than just the comb to remove all of the hair. The denman got it all out with one good brush through (gently of course ;) )


Well-Known Member
You actually sat and counted all those hairs? Whoa, now that's dedication.
When my hair is curly, I lose more hair than when it's straight. It works against itself, almost, with it tangling up on itself and snagging hairs. Then when I comb through in the shower, there's a gross hairball slithering down my back.
I never bothered to count, though.


Well-Known Member
tetbelle said:
It could be the color in your hair. Do you use permanent dye? I have a shedding problem too. I exploring the theory that it could be certain products that I use that is causing it. There was a post about that. I hope you find the answers you're looking for.

Tetbelle, that forum name sure suits you. Your hair is amazingly beautiful.

Rainbow, How ofter are you doing protein treatments? You may need to do them more often. Also, are there any bulb on the roots or are they broke off pieces?


New Member
Thanks everyone for your responses.

tetbelle, the colour is a semi permanent rinse type dye. I don't think it damages. I do bleach every 3-4 months though. I don't notice any scalp burning like I did when I used to relax though.

nefertitiblack, are you talking about shedding or breakage? Anyway, I'm always on the lookout for another good curly styling cream. Even though I already have 2 great ones and 1 ok one :confused:

Ayeshia, that's a good point. Recently I have just lightly finger combed sometimes because I've been almost scared to see how much hair will fall out. Some hair has probably accumulated

deontaer, I usually shed less in summer! Although... the weather has recently changed. So if the change in weather makes some hairs go into the catagen phase, it'd take a few weels for them to go into the telogen phase and shed :scratchch

mermaid, yeah, I always thought counting hairs was getting a bit obsessive. But I was getting pretty worried. I did it in the shower as I was washing my hair and stuck the shed hairs to the tiles. TMI? :lol:

Keen, I do protein treatments every 1-4 weeks, depending on how lazy I'm being. The hairs I lost were shedding, not breakage, they had the bulb. I had a bit of breakage, 10 hairs or so. So it is probably time for a protein treatment but I don't thing this'll stop my shedding.

hairmaster, I've NEVER had my blood tested :eek:. I hate going to the doctor's. I am taking a multivitamin with iron though.

I found the link about age related shedding. Apparently hair sheds at lot at 26. I'm 25 and 8 months (today :D) :lol: [size=-2]Sooooo not looking forward to 26 :nono:[/size]
I'm not sure how this can work as everyone ages differently...

I've decided on a plan, I'm going to CW every day for week, detangle with big comb, then comb with fine tooth comb (not as bad as it sounds! it's seamless and goes through fine after detangling) and see how much hair I lose every day. If it's the same every day at the end of the week I might start to panic. If it decreases, I probably had accumulated shed hair.


Well-Known Member
RainbowCurls said:
mermaid, yeah, I always thought counting hairs was getting a bit obsessive. But I was getting pretty worried. I did it in the shower as I was washing my hair and stuck the shed hairs to the tiles. TMI? :lol:
Ahhhhahahahahaa!!!!:lol: You stuck them to the tiles?? Hee heeeeee!
The hair loss isn't funny, but I was imagining my shower with a bunch of hairs plastered all over the wall. If my bf were to walk in and see that, he'd be thoroughly convinced I'd gone off the deep end; it's enough I have ACV, regular vinegar, lemons, distilled water, coconut oil and clay mask tubes laying around the bathroom.


Well-Known Member
mermaid said:
Ahhhhahahahahaa!!!!:lol: You stuck them to the tiles?? Hee heeeeee!
The hair loss isn't funny, but I was imagining my shower with a bunch of hairs plastered all over the wall. If my bf were to walk in and see that, he'd be thoroughly convinced I'd gone off the deep end; it's enough I have ACV, regular vinegar, lemons, distilled water, coconut oil and clay mask tubes laying around the bathroom.

I do that too!! :lol: I do it so my hair won't clog the drain and I can easily wipe it off. lol.